Chapter 32: 'Seth = Happiness.' - Nikki Bella ♥

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A few hours later.....

Seth's POV:

Nikki was now in the hospital. We called the ambulance and they came on time. They said that if we called them any later, we could have lost Nikki forever due to the amount of blood she lost. I was so relieved she was okay. They took the knife out and cleaned her wound out.

Nikki was now asleep and she had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. The doctors wanted to keep an eye on her and her progress.

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The next morning.....

I was sitting in Nikki's room, holding onto her hand as she slept. She was my little Sleeping Beauty. I saw her start to stir and she opened her beautiful chestnut brown eyes. She looked around and saw me.


I interrupted her by placing my lips on hers. Every time I kissed her, I fell even harder for her. I pulled away and she stared at me.

"Why Nikki?? Why would you do it??"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Why would I not?? I was sick of the constant sadness in my life. I lost everyone, everything. What was the point of me being alive?? I was constantly being abused by John and I lost you and-"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What did you just say??"

Her eyes widened in shock. "N-nothing. I didn't say anything."

"No, you're being abused by John??"

Finally, everything made sense. Why she hated talking about John. Why she turned up to work with bruises all over her everyday. But why wouldn't she tell me??

"Y-yeah." she whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me??" I asked, tears in my eyes.

"I-I didn't want you to get hurt."

"What?? What do you mean??"

"He-he threatened me. He said if I told anyone then my days would be numbered. He would hurt my family, especially you. I couldn't let anything happen to you Seth. I love you so much and if anything to were happen to you, I would ki-"

I covered her mouth with my hand. "Please don't say that. Nothing will ever happen to me. I have you by my side and that's all that matters. Why would you listen to him though?? You should have told me straight away."

"He...he brainwashed me into thinking...that all men were the same. I was just scared that you would hurt me. I lost my trust. I just didn't want to get hurt anymore."

"Nikki, you know that I would never hurt you. You mean so much to me. I haven't ever raised my hand on a woman before. I respect them."

"I know. When we had our first kiss, I knew that you would never hurt me. I...I knew that you would be there for me." she said. "I need to tell you something else too."


"You know when you found me in the alleyway??" she asked. I nodded. "Well, it was John was beat me."

I could feel my blood boiling. I had had enough of John. How could he hurt such a beautiful woman like Nikki?? I was definitely going to make him pay for what he did.

"You know what Nikki?? You don't have to worry about John anymore because I'm here now. I promise you I'll do everything I can to protect you. I'll make sure John learns his lesson for touching you the way he did."

"I....I love you Seth."

"I love you too Nikki." I said as I gave her a sweet kiss. 

"Seth, can you do me a favor??"

"What's that??"

"Can you....beat John's ass for me??"

I smirked. "Oh my sweet and innocent Nikki. I'm already planning on doing it."

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One week later.....

Nikki's POV:

Unfortunately I'm still in the hospital. But I don't really mind because Seth has literally been treating me like a queen. Whenever I need something, he gets it before I even ask him. He's too sweet though.

"And here are your pancakes." Seth said, bringing a plate of delicious smelling pancakes.

He put the plate down on my lap and gave me a kiss. 

"Seth, you didn't have to. I could have had the hospital food." I said.

"There is no way I'm letting you have hospital food, okay. And I wanted to get you these. I know how much you love your pancakes."

"Yeah I do. Here, have some." I said, holding the fork with some pancake on.

"I'll eat later Nikki. You eat first."

"Seth." I frowned. "I know you haven't eaten all day. You've been too busy running around looking after me all day. Please have some."


He sat down on the hospital bed next to me and we both fed each other until we finished the whole plate.

After we ate, I pulled the covers on me a little bit. 

"It's a bit cold in here." I said under my breath.

"Are you cold Nikki?? I'll be back with another blanket." 

"No, wait, Seth." I called out but by then, he was already gone.

I smiled as I shook my head. I was just so glad to have my best friend back. I looked down at the ring he gave me. It was a beautiful ring. I didn't know he gave it until he told me. It was really sweet. Now I really know that I have my best friend. 

I mean, I'm pretty sure we're best friends again. I don't think we're a couple though because I'm technically still dating that asshole John. Just thinking about him made my mood go off so I stopped.

Seth came back with a big fluffy blanket, making me smile. 

"Here's your blanket, mil'lady." he said, wrapping the blanket over me.

"You didn't have to Seth. I would have been fine with one." 

"Again Nikki. I wanted to and I promised myself that I'd do anything to keep you safe and happy."

"You don't need to do all this just to make me happy. You're with me. That's all that makes me happy. As long as you're with me, I don't need anything else."

"I would give you the world if I could Nikki. You know that Christmas song, 'All I want for Christmas is you'? Well, all I want everyday is you."

His words made my heart smile. He cupped my cheek and I felt his lips on mine. Every time, I felt that same wave of electricity and butterflies formed in my stomach. 

I knew that from then on, nobody could make me as happy as Seth Rollins can.

Seth = Happiness.

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A/N: Yay, Neth Bellins is here. But let's not forget that Nikki is unfortunately still stuck in a relationship with John.

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