Chapter 20: "I Will Take Away What You Claim You Love"- Seth Rollins ♥

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Two weeks later.....

Monday Night Raw

Seth's POV:

There was something up with Nikki. She wasn't her usual self. She seemed a lot more quiet and I could tell she was trying to avoid me. But why?? Before she left to go home, we were fine but all of a sudden, she doesn't want me near her.

I haven't really talked to her much and I was starting to miss her. I used to spend everyday with her and now that she's avoiding me, I don't really have much to do. It only gives me more time to wonder...why??

I should be glad that we aren't spending as much time together. I thought it would give me a chance to make my feelings for her disappear but that hasn't happened. I somehow feel that my feelings for her have only gotten stronger. I decided to tell Brie when she was in our room the other day. She seemed excited and wanted to tell Nikki but I made her swear on Bryan that she wouldn't tell a soul. 

I've been trying to find an opportunity to talk to Nikki but whenever I try, she seems to be able to slip away. I just want to know what's going on. I've also noticed how she seems to appear to work with bruises, new ones almost everyday. I heard her say to Brie that she either got jumped or she accidentally hurt herself but I can't believe that. 

You don't come in everyday with fresh bruises. There was something she was hiding....and I'm going to get to the bottom of it, one way or another.

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Right now, I was getting ready to go out to the ring. I had a contract signing with John where before John was just defending his title but now, we're both defending our titles against each other at Summerslam. That's just given me more motivation to win that match. Not just for myself, but for Nikki too. I want to show her that I'm better than John. That I can treat her so much better than him. 

I was like any typical person who has fallen for someone who's already taken. I was jealous. I was jealous that John already has someone as amazing as Nikki. I was jealous that John had her and I don't. I was jealous that John has her attention and has her hugs and kisses and I don't.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Daniel and Kurt. 

"Is everything alright Seth?? You seemed a little out of it." Daniel said. 

"I'm fine. I was just thinking about...the segment. Hey, is it okay if I do this segment non-scripted?? I have a few things I need to get off my chest."

"I guess, if Kurt's okay with it."

"I'm alright with that. Just don't go too crazy." he said.

"Thanks guys." I said before my theme played and I walked out with both of them. 

I showed everyone my classic Seth Rollins smirk as I got into the ring and stood by the table. 

"What's up everyone!!!" I yelled as the fans cheered. "Yeah, I don't care so shut up."

I laughed as the crowd booed me. Sometimes it stung to have everyone hate me but they don't really hate me, just my character. It was something I had gotten used to. 

"Now, what do we have here?? A contract. For a title for title match at Summerslam."

The crowd cheered. 

"What can I say about my opponent, John Cena??" I said as they cheered louder. 

"Now John, I know you looove playing the role of Superman. You get off in some sick, twisted way thinking you are doing a good deed by making sure that nobody knocks you off of that mountain but John, you are not superman. I got news for you John. You are the villain. You are the villain John and you have been holding the entire WWE Universe hostage for the last decade!!!"

Everyone cheered.

"Well, if you like that, you're gonna love this. John Cena is a disease. I injected a serum into John Cena that will inoculate the entire WWE Universe because John Cena is a disease and Seth Rollins is the cure!!!!"

"And John thinks he's the man?? But John isn't even man enough to answer my challenge face to face. John went down to Tough Enough, thousands of miles from where I was and he answered it there, not even by himself. He had to ask Daniel Bryan. I mean, what kind of coward, how pathetic is John Cena??"

John's music played, making me frown and the WWE Universe cheered. I felt that fire inside of me. The jealousy slowly creeping up. He got in the ring and grabbed a mic. 

"You really think you can say that whole load of crap and these nice people are going to believe you??" he said, making them cheer. "That's not gonna happen because half of these people are chanting 'lets go Cena.' The other half are chanting 'Cena sucks.' but nobody is saying a damn thing about Seth Rollins."

I really felt like punching his stupid face but I was able to control myself.

"Do you really think you'll be able to take this title from me?? You don't have your little authority anymore. No more J&J security. You don't even have Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose anymore. You've always had a helping hand from someone but for the first time ever, you're alone. You have no-one to help you this time." he said.

"Well, I may have gotten help before and I'm not afraid to admit that. But I didn't get any help winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship when I pinned Roman in the center of the ring at Wrestlemania. And like I said in my interview, I will take away what you claim you love, N-.......I mean, you already know so I don't have to say it." I said.

I picked the contract up and signed it. John signed it and put it on the table.

"At Summerslam, I will become the first man to hold both the United States and World Heavyweight Championship at the same time. You're Mr Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, right?? Well, let's see if you have any respect left when I take that title from you. And I don't just mean that title, I mean everything. Just think about what that might be John. What else could I possibly take from you?? Something or someone who is very close to both you and me. I'll give you time to work that out. Nothing like that prestigious title or this certain something should belong to an evil, gutless rat like you."

Just like that, I dropped the mic and got out of the ring, leaving the crowd confused and John fuming. I'm not saying I will steal Nikki Bella from him.....but if I find him doing anything to her, and I mean anything that will hurt her, I will. 

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A/N: Seth is amazing. You tell him you'll take Nikki.

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