Chapter 33: "Two Weeks John, Two Weeks." - Seth Rollins ♥

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One week later.....

Nikki's POV:

I was feeling a little bored and lonely. Seth had to leave as he had to go to Raw. I was still stuck at the hospital. Seth did promise me that as soon as Raw was over, he'd fly back here. I talked to Brie over the phone too. She was just updating me about what was going on.

Raw about about to start in an hour so I decided to have a nice hot shower first. Whilst I was in there, all I could think about was what Seth said to me. What will he do to John?? Is there a chance that we could become a couple??

"I would give you the world if I could Nikki. You know that Christmas song, 'All I want for Christmas is you'? Well, all I want everyday is you."  

That's all that would play in my mind and I couldn't stop the huge smile forming on my face. Maybe I will get happiness after all. Maybe I wasn't destined for pain and sadness. I knew only one man could keep me happy and that one man was Seth Rollins.

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One hour later.....

Raw was just about to start so I sat on my bed, switching the TV on. Seth's theme played, making me smile. He walked out with his classic Seth Rollins smirk and his WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He got in the ring and grabbed a microphone.

"So, Summerslam is two weeks away. Me pinning John Cena in the middle of this ring is two weeks away. Me becoming the first man to ever hold both the Untied States and World Heavyweight Championship is two weeks away."

There was a mixture of boos and cheers from the crowd. All I could do was smile. I couldn't wait for Seth to beat the hell out of John.

"But the most important thing beating the hell out of John Cena is two weeks away. Now I know John Cena is in the arena tonight but of course, he'll be too scared to come out here and face me like a man. Now John, you must be a busy man, right?? Going down to talk shows and award ceremonies, not really devoting your time to the ring like most of us here. But, what else do you do in your spare time?? Do you sit down and try to formulate a plan to try and beat me?? Or are you up to something else?? Because I've heard a lot of rumors about you lately. I've heard that you've had problems with a certain someone for quite a while now."

Seth was interrupted by John's music. He came out and I felt anger in me. I wanted to get back at him for what he did to me. Seth looked like he was fuming with anger as John got in the ring.  

"So you say I've been having problems with someone. Exactly who might that person be??" John asked. 

"Oh John. You try to act so innocent sometimes. You know exactly who I'm talking about but if you're still confused, you'll find out exactly who I'm talking about at Summerslam. I promise you something right now John. At Summerslam, you will lose everything. And when say everything, I mean everything. Again John, what could I possibly be talking about?? Am I talking about your championship, which I will take anyways, or am I talking about something else?? Am I talking about your career?? The people around you?? Or am I talking about another person who is supposedly very close to you??"

"What are you trying to do Rollins?? Are you trying to play games with me?? Are you?? Because it isn't going to work."

"I'm not playing any games with you John. You have two weeks. You have two weeks to live your life. Enjoy it while you can because in two weeks, you will lose everything John. Because I know your deepest, darkest secrets. Two weeks John, two weeks." 

And like that, Seth smirked at him before getting out of the ring and walking backstage. I smiled. I couldn't wait to see the damage Seth would do to John. 

As I carried on watching Raw, I felt my eyes become heavy so I switched the TV off and fell into a deep sleep.

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The next morning.....

I woke up the next morning and saw a huge bouquet of beautiful roses on the table next to me.

I woke up the next morning and saw a huge bouquet of beautiful roses on the table next to me

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I wondered who had gotten them for me. I picked the roses up to smell them when I saw Seth's face behind them. 


"Calm down Bella. It's just me."

"Holy fuck, you scared me." I said, holding onto my chest. "How long were you there?"

"About ten minutes."

"You've been watching me sleep for ten minutes??"

"Yeah, you're cute when you sleep."

"Thank you for the roses. They're beautiful."

"Anything for you Nikki."

"I saw your segment yesterday. You did amazing." I said, holding onto his hand.

"Well, I meant everything. John only has two weeks of his life left. He better enjoy it while he can."

"I can't wait to see what you do to him."

"Summerslam is going to be epic. And you're going to be discharged by next week. I'll let you know by then exactly what I have planned." he said. "But Summerslam is going to be even more memorable."

"How so??"

"That, my beautiful Bella, is a surprise. You're going to have to wait."

"Noooo, why can't you tell me now??" I pouted.

"Because it's a surprise. Trust me, it'll be amazing." 

"Okay, you're no fun." I said, pouting and turning my face like that.

"Hey, don't be like that."

"No, I wanna know."


"Oh my god, you called me Nicole!! Now I'm not talking to you." I said, trying not to laugh.

"Two can play at that game."

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I couldn't take not talking to him.

"Okay, I don't like this game." we both said together before laughing.

I was still laughing but stopped when I noticed Seth staring at me.


"You know you look really beautiful when you're happy."

I could feel my face getting hot. He cupped my cheek, connecting our lips.

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A/N: What will Seth do to John at Summerslam?? Only time will tell. BTW, aren't Seth and Nikki really cute together??

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