Chapter 18: "It's....That...That's Nikki." - Seth Rollins ♥

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Seth's POV:

I wanted to talk to Nikki so bad. I was so tempted to pick my phone up and call her. I was able to control myself and not do it. What I found weird was why Nikki didn't text me. I thought she would ask why I didn't attempt to talk to her. I was a little glad. It meant I wouldn't talk to her. 

I still felt an over bearing amount of guilt for falling in love with Nikki. I knew it was wrong. I felt like a terrible best friend. I've been doing more ridiculous things because of my guilt. 

I ended up putting a potato in the blender and making a smoothie out of it. Do not even ask how I drank it. This morning, instead of putting toothpaste on my toothbrush, I put mayonnaise on it. Don't ever try that!!! I repeat, DO NOT TRY IT!!! It is the most horrible thing I had ever done. 

Dean and Roman decided to take me out, to try and take my mind off Nikki. After we all got dressed, we all left our room. When we got to the lobby, all I could see were lots of couples. Every time I looked at one, I saw me and Nikki. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and saw the people normally again. 

We left the hotel and went down to a restaurant to get lunch. We all sat down at a table and a waitress came to us with a notepad. My eyes widened when I saw the waitress was Nikki. What was she doing here?? Did she get a job here and not tell me?? I thought she went back home?? What is going on??

"Um, excuse me sir??" I heard. I shook my head and looked back at the waitress; she looked around 19 with blonde hair. 

So, I just saw Nikki again?? 

"Seth, are you okay??" Roman asked. 

"Um, yeah. Can you guys order for me?? I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." 

They nodded and I left the table, heading to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. Everywhere I turn, I see Nikki. I pulled my phone out and clicked on Nikki's number. My thumb hovered over the call button but I sighed and put my phone away. I needed to get over my feelings for her. The only way I could do that was by not talking to her and staying away from her.  

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I went back to the guys and we all finished having lunch. We left the restaurant and went to a few stores. We picked up a few things before heading to checkout. I placed my items on the desk and looked up to see the women. It was Nikki. I felt my breathing getting heavier. My heart rate increased.

"Dude, you okay??" Dean asked. 

"It's....that...that's Nikki." 

"Where??" asked Roman. 

"Right in front of us!! Where else??!!"

I felt myself starting to sweat and Nikki carried on staring at me, confused. 

"W-why are you looking at me like that??? You should know me!!" I said to her. 

"Seth, I think you're starting to get a little paranoid. We better go." Dean said, grabbing my arm.

"But that's Nikki. I know it is." I said as they pulled me out of the store. 

My breathing was still heavy and quick. I was going crazy. I was seeing Nikki in everyone. We got back to the hotel and Roman and Dean made me go to my room. 

"Just go to sleep for a while. We'll wake you up later." Roman said. 

They both left. Maybe I did need to rest for a bit. I lay down and fell asleep. 

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Dean's POV: (Yay!)

"I'm really worried about Seth, Ro. He's seeing Nikki everywhere." I said. 

"I know. He's really fallen hard for her." he said. "He feels so guilty as well. I feel terrible for him. He doesn't want to feel this way but he can't stop it."

"I can't imagine what he must be going through. Do you think we should approach someone to help?" 

"I don't know. Maybe we can go to Brie. It seemed like to me that she always wanted Seth and Nikki together."

Roman pulled his phone out and called Brie. A few minutes later, she arrived and sat down next to us. 

"Is everything alright guys?" she asked. 

"Can we really tell her though?? We swore to Seth we wouldn't tell anyone." I pointed out. 

"What's Brie doing here??" we heard. We turned around and saw Seth standing near the doorway, rubbing his eyes.

"Urrrrr, we just wanted to hang out. Nothing special." Roman said, making Seth look at him suspiciously.

"You were going to tell her, weren't you??" he asked. "I thought you swore you wouldn't tell anyone??"

"We haven't told anyone. Not even Brie. We know we swore to you but you need help Seth. We know how guilty you're feeling and we thought maybe Brie could help." I said. 

"Has Seth done something wrong??" Brie asked. "Is it to do with Nikki??"

"How did you know???" Seth asked. 

"Well, why else would you call me here??"


"So, are you guys gonna tell me?? But only if you want to. I won't force you to say anything." she said. 

Seth looked at both Roman and I. Whatever happened next was all up to him. 

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A/N: Is Seth gonna tell Brie?? He's seeing Nikki everywhere. Is that normal??

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