Chapter 29: "That....That Was A....A Good Kiss." - Seth Rollins ♥

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The next morning.....

Nikki's POV:

I woke up the next morning, feeling my head pounding. I felt something warm next to me and saw....Seth??!! What was he doing here?? The last thing I remembered was talking to JJ on the phone.

Seth started stirring next to me and then, he woke up. 

", hey Nikki."

"Hi, w-what happened yesterday?? Why are you here?? Where's Brie??"

" were told about your parents and you fainted. Brie called me and the guys over to help. Dean called the doctor and he said you fainted because you were shocked. Brie asked me to stay here with you so I agreed and Brie went to stay with Daniel."

"Oh." I whispered.

I felt my head starting to hurt even more. I held onto my head as it carried on pounding.

"Are you okay, Nikki?? Is your head hurtin-?" Seth asked, looking concerned. "I....I second."

He grabbed a water bottle and a little box of painkillers from the bedside table next to him. "Urrr, here."

I took the stuff from him and took the painkillers, starting to feel a little better. I put the bottle and box down and turned to face Seth. 

Just looking at his gorgeous face made my day. The way his eyes sparkled in the sunlight. I could start to feel butterflies form in my stomach. My heart started beating faster and faster as we both stared at each other. 

It was only a matter of time before our lips connected. Seth's right hand was placed on my cheek and my right hand was placed on his shoulder. Seth's lips were incredibly soft and I didn't want the kiss to end. 

His left hand was slowly moving down to my waist, only pulling me closer to him. I didn't mind. I could feel the warmth of his body radiate onto me. 

My heart was racing and I could feel chills down my spine. I felt a sudden frisson of thrill and excitement. 

His lips left mine and went down to my neck, making me let out a few moans.

"This is....wrong Seth." I moaned as he left soft kisses down my neck.

"But it right." Seth said between kisses.

He went back to kissing my lips until we were both out of breath. We both pulled away and stared at each other for a few seconds. 

"I....I better get going." Seth said, getting up. 

He grabbed all of his stuff before heading to the door. He opened the door but before he stepped out, he turned to look at me.

"That....that was a....a good kiss."

He left my room, leaving me with a burning hot face. I was both happy but sad at the same time. I was happy that Seth and I were kinda making progress with our friendship, at least, I think we were but when I remembered yesterday, I couldn't stop the tears from filling my eyes.

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2 hours later.....

Brie and I were eating. Brie was still crying over what JJ said. For some reason, I couldn't cry. This morning, I did let out a few tears but I didn't cry. I was scared that if I did cry, I'd break down. I was giving it my all to stay positive. I had had enough of the constant sadness in my life.

"Brie, I could go for a hot chocolate." I said normally.

"W-what's the matter with you Nikki?? How are you not upset over this??" Brie asked, tears streaming down her face.

"I really want lots of cream-"

"Nikki, what's the matter?? Why are you acting like this??"

Because I'm scared I'll break down

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Nikki, you have to let out your emotions someday or it'll eat you up inside."

"Well then, I can live with that." I said, getting up and walking away. 

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Seth's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. The way her tender lips moved with mine. The same image was stuck in my mind. I was a little worried about Nikki though. I saw her with Brie and she was acting as if nothing happened to her. She just lost her parents and she was acting as if everything was normal. 

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I was in my room, scrolling through my phone when there was a knock on the door. I put my phone down and went to open it to see Nikki. 

"Urrr, hi Nikki."

"Hi." she whispered.

"Is....everything okay??"

"I.....I just.....needed a hug. You always were the best at....comforting me."

"Is there anything wrong??"

"I....Brie told me to....let my emotions out but...I'm scared I'm going to....break down. I...I just needed...someone and I know you don't want to talk to me or have anything to do with me but-"

I interrupted her by pulling her into a kiss. I just couldn't help myself. The more I saw her, the more I wanted her. I craved her. 

We pulled away and I saw her eyes fill with tears. Nikki wrapped her arms around me as she cried, her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, wanting to make her feel as safe as possible.

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A/N: That kiss though. Things still aren't great between them.

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