Chapter 47: "I Love You. Wait-" - Nikki Bella ♥

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A/N: Only four chapters left 😭

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Seth's POV:

"Nikki, Nikki wait." I called out but she didn't stop. She went into the next room. "What happened to her??"

"Well, she was kinda upset about the whole situation." Dean said.

"I need to talk to her." I said, getting up.

"Be careful." Roman said as I held onto my head.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"We're gonna go, we'll let you guys have your space." Dean said and then they left.

I went over to the room Nikki went to and I could hear her crying. It broke my heart to hear her so upset. Did I do something to hurt her?? I opened the door and peeked inside to see Nikki sitting on the edge of the bed, her back towards me, crying.

"Bella, are you okay??" I asked. She stopped crying but she didn't turn to face me.

I went inside and closed the door behind me before walking over to the bed and sitting next to Nikki, holding her hand.

"What's the matter??" I asked softly.

She wouldn't say anything. She just cried. I pulled her into a hug as she cried on my chest.

"I'm so sorry." she cried.

"Why?? You didn't do anything Bella."

"I did. You got hurt because of me. I'm so sorry."

"Bella, this isn't your fault. Why do you think that??"

She looked hesitant but then spoke. "Yesterday when we came back from the gym and you went in the shower, John texted me. He said he saw us together and he knows that I told you everything. He said I put you in danger and he was gonna end you. John was the one who attacked you. I'm so sorry Seth. I should have told you but I was so scared. I was scared that you'd leave me-"

I interrupted her by giving her a sweet kiss. "Don't say that Nikki. Don't ever say I'd leave you. I already did that twice and I really regret it. I'm never gonna leave you again and as for John, who cares about him. As long as he doesn't hurt you, I'm fine. I'll endure all of his beatings just to keep you safe. Hell, to keep you safe, I'd let him kill me-"

Nikki put her hand over my mouth. "Don't say that. I'm not worth dying over. And if you die, what'll happen to me. Your death would crush me. Please don't say that."

"Please don't worry about John. We only have two more days before he's out of our lives." I said. "And two more days until my surprise."

"What's your surprise?? It's killing me."

"It's a surprise. But I'll give you a hint. It'll leave you shocked."

"What kind of hint is that??"

"The only hint I'll give you."

"Urrr, I hate you."

"No, you love me."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"I hate you.

"You love me."

"I hate you."

"You hate me."

"I love you. Wait-"

"Hahaha. You love me."

"No fair. You tricked me." Nikki pouted.

"I'm just that smart." I bragged.

"Whatever." Nikki said, rolling her eyes.

"I love you though."

"I love you too."

We leant in for a kiss and just as our lips were about to touch, the door burst open making Nikki and I scream before jumping away.

"Hey, how's it going??" Dean asked as him and Roman came inside.

"Just fine before you got here. Way to ruin the moment." I muttered.

"Did you say something Seth??" Roman asked.

"No, I didn't."

"Did we ruin your romantic moment??" Dean asked smirking. 

I looked at Nikki who was blushing. "Yeah, you kinda did." I said.

"Well, too bad. We wanna go out. You guys come with us." Roman said.

"I'm kinda beaten up." I said, stating the obvious.

"Don't worry. We'll get that blood cleaned up and put some ice on that bruise." Dean said.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What about you Nikki?? Are you up for it??" Dean asked.

"I guess, where are we going??"

"We wanna go ice skating."

"You guys....and ice skating??" Nikki chuckled. 

"Hey, I'm a really good skater. We're not always bad boys, you know??" Dean said. "Renee will be with us."

"Okay, I'll come along."

"See Seth. Nikki's the fun one. Again, I don't know what she see's in you."

"What she sees is a big hunk of handsome right here." I said, pointing to myself.

"You have such a big ego." Roman said. 

"So?? My ego is my best quality."

"It's really not." Dean said.

I looked at Nikki who was also shaking her head. 

"Okay, so maybe I need to be less self absorbed. Whatever."

"Okay, so get ready and we'll leave in about an hour." Dean said before he and Roman left.

I got up to get some clothes out. Nikki got up and followed me.

"Seth, are you sure you'll be okay tonight??"

"I'll be fine Nikki. It's just ice skating. It can't be that bad."

Nikki still looked unsure. "If you're worried John will get us, don't. Roman, Dean, Renee and I will be there to make sure nothing happens, okay??"

"You're the best, you know that??" she smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Well, I've heard a few people tell me that before." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You really do have a big ego."

"I know. I'm gonna have to work on making it smaller." I chuckled.

I leaned in, kissing Nikki's lips, as I pulled her body closer to mine. My hands wandered down to Nikki's thighs and pulled her up, not breaking the kiss. I sucked on her bottom lip, earning a moan from her and I quickly slipped my tongue in. Our tongues fought for dominance but I ended up winning in the end. I ended up stumbling back onto the bed, letting myself fall which caused Nikki to fall on top of me. We both slid our hands under each other's shirts, making both of us moan and sending a shiver down my spine. Nikki's hand made my way to my hair, gently tugging it, making me moan.

"Hey lovebirds!! Stop making out and get ready!!" we heard Dean yell, making us pull away.

"Dean always has to ruin it." I groaned. 

"Come on. We have to get ready." Nikki smiled as we got up. She kissed me one last time before leaving to get ready. 

I'm so gonna get Ambrose for ruining our moment. You better watch out Ambrose 'cause Seth Freakin' Rollins is gonna get you. 😏😎

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A/N: Awww, aren't they cute?? What is Seth's surprise?? What will Seth do to Dean??

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