Chapter 50: "You Know I Love You. I Know You Love Me." - Seth Rollins ♥

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A/N: This is by far my favorite chapter in this book. 😍 It made me cry. 😭😂 The picture above is honestly perfect too. One more chapter left. 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥                             

Third Person:

"Winner Takes All"
WWE World Heavyweight Championship & United States Championship
John Cena vs Seth Rollins

Seth made is way to the ring, not taking his eyes off the abusive, rotten man that stood in front of him. Seth got in the ring and raised his title high. They both went to their corners and the bell rang, meaning the match has begun. 

Rollins goes for a few strikes but Cena counters and applies a headlock, then Rollins knees Cena and knocks him outside. Rollins splashes Cena on the floor and sends him into the barricade, then calls for one more time and hits a somersault dive. Rollins springboards back in but Cena knocks him down and goes for a Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Rollins kicks him in the face and calls for a Pedigree. Cena blocks and hits a sloppy looking springboard stunner, then Cena connects with a Five Knuckle Shuffle and calls for an Attitude Adjustment. Rollins avoids it and slams him down, then hits a running moonsault out of the corner for two.

Rollins hangs Cena in the turnbuckles and double stomps his face, then Cena counters Rollins' attack with a reverse facebuster. Cena hits a standing legdrop off the turnbuckles for two, then Rollins comes back with a buckle bomb and a frog splash for two. Cena rolls through and puts Rollins on his shoulders for an AA, but Rollins floats over and kicks him in the face, then blocks a crossbody and deadlifts Cena and hits his own AA for two! Rollins heads up top but misses a Phoenix Splash and rolls through, only to have Cena put him in a STF before Rollins goes for a Pedigree. Some more reversals from both men, then Cena gets Rollins in the Figure Four and Rollins looks to have nowhere to go, but Rollins ends up rolling and reversing the pressure before Cena releases the hold.

Cena heads up top and Rollins cuts him off and hits a superplex, then rolls through into a sitout suplex and goes for another Phoenix Splash. Cena rolls away again and hits an AA, but accidentally hits the ref on the way down. Cena gets the cover but no one's there to make the count, so Cena calls for some help at ringside. Rollins catches Cena off guard with a hard knee to the face. He turns and hits Cena with a steel chair, then Rollins Pedigrees Cena on the chair, and makes the cover!

"1! 2! 3!"

Seth's POV: 

As soon as the bell rang, I felt myself get up and my arm being raised. Did I just win?? The ref handed me the US Title and that was when I was certain that I won. I felt tears grow in my eyes as I looked at it. I finally did it. All the pain, heart break and suffering was all worth it because I finally beat John and I made history.

Nikki's POV:

I had tears of joy run down my face as I watched Seth raise his two titles high in the air. I told the tech guy to play my music. I ran down the ramp and into the ring. John and Seth both looked at me. I ran up to Seth, hugging him tight, shocking everyone. 

"Nikki Bella is hugging her boyfriend's rival. What is this??" the commentators said.

"Is there something going on between them??"

"What do you think you're doing??!!!" John yelled as I pulled away from Seth.

Seth and I both grabbed a mic. "I'll tell you what she's doing. Nikki is sending you to jail." Seth said, making everyone gasp.

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