Chapter 41: 'I Didn't Feel What I Felt With Nikki.' - Seth Rollins ♥

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A/N: This is for you @UndisputedPowerhouse. Thanks for reading.

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Nikki's POV:

"Seth??" I practically whispered as I tried to choke back my tears.

They both pulled away and looked at me. "Why?? Why would you do this to me Seth??"

"Now you know how I felt." he muttered, looking down. 

He was right. I knew how he felt. I was hurt. It killed me knowing I caused this amount of pain to him. But did he have to get back at me like this?? I couldn't stop the tears spilling from my eyes. I didn't know what else to say. I was rendered speechless. 

I took a few steps back until I was out of the room and ran down the corridor, wiping my tears. 

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Seth's POV:

"I knew this wouldn't work." I muttered. 

I thought of everything I could to help get my mind off Nikki. I even made out with Charlotte just to help me get over her but it wasn't the same. I didn't feel what I felt with Nikki. 

"I'm really sorry Seth." Charlotte said.

"It's fine. This was just a stupid idea. I hope I haven't hurt you in any sort of way."

"It's fine Seth. I'm kinda crushing on someone else anyways. What made you want to do this??"

"I just wanted to get over Nikki but I can't. I've only gone and hurt her and myself more."

"I thought she was dating John Cena??"

"It's a long story. I'm sorry I put you through this."

"It's okay Seth. I can tell she really loves you. You should go and talk to her."

"I don't know. What she did really hurt me and I just went crazy. I guess I just went too far this time."

"I'm sure you'll fix everything with her." she said. " I better get going."

"Okay and I'm sorry once again."

"It's okay Seth. If you need help with anything other than making out, do let me know."

"I will."

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Nikki's POV:

I got to mine and Brie's hotel room and started pounding on the door, unable to stop my tears from falling. The door finally opened.

"Nikki, what happened?? Did you talk to Seth??"

I couldn't stop the uncontrollable sobs as I hugged her, crying on her shoulder.

"You were right Brie. H-he's moved on." I sobbed. 

"What?? I didn't actually think that he-"

"I messed up Brie. I lost him." I sobbed.

"Let's get inside first."

We both went inside and sat down. 

"Tell me what happened."

"H-he....he was m-making.....making out with Charlotte." I sobbed.

"What?? But....he loves you. I know he does. He wouldn't do something like this."

"I....I messed up big time Brie. I lost him. I lost the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. He doesn't care about me anymore."

"There must be a reasonable explanation for this."

"He wanted to make me feel how he felt when he caught me and John. I knew that was a mistake."

"He'll come around Nikki. He loves you too much to let you go."

"I don't know anymore Brie. Maybe I should give up on him. He's too good for me and all I've done is hurt him."

"What happened to Fearless Nikki?? This isn't the Nikki Bella I know. You need to talk to him before you both break down."

"I....I guess I'll give it one more shot. But he's already gotten over me."

"No he hasn't. I know he hasn't."

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Seth's POV:

I sighed as I lay on my bed. It was no point even trying. Nikki wouldn't leave my mind, no matter what I did. I wanted her next to me, to tell me she loved me but that's not true. It's not going to happen again. My phone started ringing and I checked the caller I.D which said Dean.

"Hey Dean."

"Hey Seth. Roman and I are gonna head to the gym to get ready for Summerslam. Wanna come with us??"

"I really don't feel up to it."

"Seth, Summerslam is five days away. You need to get in shape."

"I don't care. I'll just do what I need to do and get it over with in the ring."

"So you're gonna let John win?? After everything that he's done to Nikki?? You're gonna let him beat you and make history??"

"So what?? Nikki seems to care a lot about him now. Why should I put my effort into beating him if it'll only upset her??"

"Seth, you need to talk to her. She told me that she didn't kiss John. He forced her to."

"What?? What do you mean??"

"You should have listened to her when she came to talk to you. I don't know the details but she said she didn't want to kiss him. He forcefully kissed her and then he hit her again."

I felt my heart sink. John hit Nikki again and I wasn't there to protect her.

"You need to talk to Nikki."

"I-I'll talk to her later."

"Okay, now get your ass here now. We're not letting that son of a bitch beat you on Sunday."

"Okay, I'm on my way."

I hung up and thought about what Dean said. Did John really hit her again?? Did he forcefully kiss her?? All these questions were lingering in my mind. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and changed into my gym clothes before leaving my room.

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A/N: Hmmmm, Seth is starting to wonder what actually happened. Will he ever find out the truth??

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