Chapter 10: "I'm Getting The Sneaking Suspicion He's Lying." - Nikki Bella ♥

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A/N: I'm in another good mood. I just finished a three page speech for school and I'm so glad it's done. I decided to update twice again. I need to stop doing this.

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2 Weeks Later.....

Nikki's POV:

I was pissed. It's been a month since I last saw John. You can't be straight up busy for a month. It's not like he's the World Heavyweight Champion that he would be so busy all the time. Seth is the champion and yet, he still has the time to hang out with his friends. Maybe Brie is right. Maybe something is up with John.

I had the week off so I decided I would go home. John and I share a huge house together but I doubt he would be there if he's 'busy'. At least I would get some alone time. I could decompress a little bit. 

Brie stayed at work because she has Bryan with her. My flight wasn't until this evening so I had a few hours to kill. I hung out with Brie at the mall.

"Brie, I hate to say this but, I think you're right." I said.

"About what?" 

"About John being up to something. I haven't seen him for a month straight because he's 'busy' but now even I'm getting the sneaking suspicion he's lying."

"Yes!! I knew it!!" Brie exclaimed.

"Shhhh. Calm down Brie." 

"Sorry. I knew something was up with him."

"I'm going to go home for a bit and when I come back, I'm gonna call him."

"Good luck with that. Bryan and I tried calling him and he wouldn't pick up."

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2 Hours Later.....

"Seth Rollins!!! Put me down right now!!" I laughed, as he lifted me over his shoulder. 

"No, I don't want you to go. I'm gonna miss my best friend." he whined. 

"I'll only be gone a week." I said.

"It'll feel like a year to me." 

"Can you please put me down??" 

Seth sighed before gently putting me down. 

"If you let me go, I promise to call or text you everyday."

"Pinkie promise??" he pouted. 

"Gosh, you little child." I smiled. "Pinkie promise."

I wrapped my pinkie around his as he smiled.

"We got a little while to hang out. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I dunno. Wait here a second." Seth walked to the kitchen whilst I waited. 

"Nikki!!!" Seth called.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Seth with two bowls. 

"Could you grab the milk from the fridge?" he asked 

"Sure." I said. I walked over to the fridge and opened the door to have a skeleton fall onto me.

"AAAAAARRRRRRRHHHHH!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! MOMMY SAVE ME!!!!" I screamed, jumping away.

Seth started laughing whilst I looked at him confused. 

"What the hell are you laughing at?? A fucking skeleton landed on me!!" 

"I told you I'd get you back." he laughed. 

"What??" I looked at the skeleton and saw it was one of the plastic fake ones you use on Halloween. 

"Oh my god Seth. What kind of prank was that??" 

"A good prank. I told you I'd get you back for using my own words against me."

"You are so annoying."

"You love me." 

"It's something I have to do."

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4 Hours Later......

After a very tiring flight, I finally made it to Florida. I couldn't wait to just get home. Although, I was already missing Seth. I felt like I missed Seth more than I missed John. Am I doing the same thing that Seth did? Am I picking my best friend over my boyfriend? That skeleton prank was actually pretty funny. I still couldn't believe I fell for that. 

I got out of the taxi that had stopped in front of mine and John's house. I paid the driver and grabbed my bags. The taxi drove away and I took my house keys out to unlock the door.

When I put my keys in the lock, I realized the door was already unlocked. That was weird. I know I locked up before I left. I opened the door and walked inside. I wanted to get straight upstairs to mine and John's room and take a nap. I was really tired.

I walked upstairs with my bag and walked towards the bedroom. I opened the door and what I saw inside made my whole world crumble beneath me. 

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A/N: Uh oh. Nikki's seen something she perhaps wasn't meant to see. What do you think it is??

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