Chapter 27: "She....She Actually Said That??" - Seth Rollins ♥

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One week later.....

Nikki's POV:

I haven't talked to Seth since what he told me at the hospital. Has he really broken off everything with me??? My heart ached for him. I wanted to be with Seth but I just couldn't. Every moment of the day, I think about him and his gorgeous eyes and beautiful smile. All I wanted was to be happy with Seth and I couldn't even get that. 

Bryan had been trying to convince to go home but I wouldn't. I didn't want to go back to that hell. Brie told me to go to Mom and Dad's house but I didn't want to go. I didn't have the heart to leave. I loved wrestling and I couldn't be separated from it.

Brie was at the arena for Raw and she told me to stay back at the hotel. I only agreed because I didn't want to get any further injuries. I wanted to get back in that ring. As I sat in our room, I was starting to get hungry so I decided to go down to the hotel cafeteria to get some snacks. 

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The hotel cafeteria

I got downstairs and picked up a little bag to put some snacks in. I was about to leave when I almost bumped into someone. 

"Oh, sorry Roman. I almost bumped into you."

"It's fine Nikki. How are your ribs?"

"They're doing okay I guess. Apart from the minor pains every now and then but they're okay."

"I know you wanna ask about Seth."

" is he??"

"He's been a little depressed. I think he's just missing you. He's been really quiet for a while now and he's always looking at pictures of you on his phone."

I could feel my cheeks heat up slightly. 

"He is taking care of himself though, ain't he??" I asked. "Like, he's eating properly. Sleeping well and-"

"He does eat sometimes. Usually once a day. And during that once a day, he's probably eating an apple or piece of toast."

"That's it?? Please tell him to eat more. I don't want him falling ill because of me."

"I will, and he's been sleeping normally I guess. I'm a little worried though. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I can hear his stomach growling and in the morning, he refuses to eat."

I was starting to feel a little guilty. He's suffering because of me.

"Where is he now??" I asked. 

"He's at the arena. He doesn't have a match, just a meeting."

"Well, when you meet him, can you please tell him to eat...for me??"

"I'll try. I'll see you later." he smiled before walking out. 

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3 hours later.....

Seth's POV:

I finally got back to the hotel after a long meeting with Bryan and Kurt. I couldn't wait to just go to sleep. When I got into my room, I showered and changed into my PJ's. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw Dean and Roman with food on the table. 

I didn't want to eat so I decided to go to my room.

"Seth, aren't you eating??" Dean asked. 

"Nah, I'll pass." I said as I turned to walk away.

"I saw Nikki today." he said, making me stop in my tracks.

"And??" I said, facing him.

"She said her ribs are healing and she asked about you."

"What did she ask??" I asked, curious.

"She asked how you were. I just told her that you were a little depressed and that you wouldn't eat much."

"She probably laughed at that. It's not like she cares." I said, rolling my eyes.

"She does care Seth. When I told her, she told me specifically to tell have to eat for her."

I bit the inside of my cheek. Did Nikki really mean that??

"She....she actually said that??" I asked. 

"Yes, she was concerned. I could tell she was feeling guilty. You have to eat for her."

"Okay, fine." I said, sighing in defeat. 

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30 minutes later..... 

Nikki and Brie's Hotel Room

Nikki's POV:

I decided to text Roman and ask him if Seth had eaten anything yet.

Hi Ro, has Seth eaten anything? - Me

Yeah, he's eating now. I told him to eat for you so he did - Ro 😛

Thank you so much Ro. What would I do without you?? - Me

You wouldn't be able to do anything without me 😜 - Ro 😛

You just keep telling yourself that. I'll talk to you later - Me

"So is Seth eating??" Brie asked, coming out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, Roman just told me. He's eating now."

"That's good. He needs to take care of himself." 

"It's my fault. I ruined everything between us."

"Don't blame yourself. But I do know that you're hiding something."

" I'm not." I said.

I couldn't tell Brie. I didn't want her getting hurt.

"Are you sure Nikki??"

"Yeah, I'm very sure."

"Okay, but if you need someone to talk to, you know you can come to me."

"I know. Thanks Brie."

Brie went off to bed and I lay in my bed wondering if my life was going to get any better.

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A/N: Poor Seth. He's not eating right. But he ate for Nikki. How cute is that??

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