Chapter One: He loves me...

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Nico's POV

The sun shone through our window's blinds. It hit my sleeping face, making me flinch and cover my eyes. It was finally morning and I was curled in the bed I shared with my boyfriend. I sighed, rolling into my back and turning to see Nathaniel was still passed out next to me. I shivered just looking at him. After the fight we had last night, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be so close to him. I sat up, swinging my legs over the bed and pushing my self off. I landed on my feet thankfully. Since I was so short, 5'3 to be specific, my feet normally hung off the bed and I would sometimes fall off if I wasn't careful. Back when Nathan didn't suffer from the effects of his drinking problem, he would playfully tease me if I rolled off the bed in the morning. Now, he just scowls at me and calls me a "dumb klutz". I know he doesn't mean it to hurt me, but honestly it really does. 

I began quietly sneaking out the bedroom, not wanting to wake Nathan and begin this day with him in a bad mood. I stared at my feet, wondering if he would still be in a bad mood after last night. That was the biggest fight we've had so far. I shivered, the events replying in my head.


It was around dinner time and Nathan had just came home from work. He grumbled as he kicked the door closed. He must have had a bad day. I closed the fridge and rushed over to the front door to meet him. He glanced at me and relaxed a bit, sighing. His shoulders seemed tense. 

"How was work?" I asked, helping him pull off his coat.

He gave a huff in response, telling he did indeed have a bad day. I nodded, strolling back into the kitchen. He followed me, dropping into the nearest dining table chair. He rubbed his temples as I reopened the fridge. 

"Is there anything I can make you? To.. Make you feel better?" I asked softly, trying not to upset his headache.. If he had one. 

He looked up, a small smile appearing on his face. 

"I could really go for a steak. Can we have that for dinner?" He asked, even though it had the same effect on me as if he just said, "Make me a steak."

I nodded, returning the smile and he disappeared into the other room to rest. I sighed, looking back into the fridge. I've never cooked steak before. I've never even eaten it. Well, there was nothing I could do about that now. I rushed to the nearest grocery store, buying the meat and other spicing ingredients I've heard about on TV and stuff. I quickly got back, placing all the ingredients on the counter and began pulling the cooking pans. I began seasoning the raw meat. Once I was done, I threw them on the pan and listened to them sizzle for a few minutes. I flipped them over every once and a while and once they got darker and began smelling like steak I grabbed the plates and served them. I placed the plates down and called Nathan to dinner.

"Thanks babe, you're the best," he breathed, sinking into the chair in front of one of the plates. 

I nodded, poking my meat with my fork. I felt pretty proud of myself until Nathan spoke up. 

"Nico.. What the hell is this?" He growled, pointing his fork at his steak. He had cut through it and blood was seeping from it. I undercooked it.

"Erm.. I-I," I stuttered, wanting to sink into my chair.

I didn't think it could get worse... 

It got worse.

He slammed his hands on the table, standing up. His eyes were blazing. I gasped in surprise as his plate came flying at me. I ducked just in time. It flew over my head and crashed into the wall behind me. I tried standing up so I could run but he reached across the table and grabbed the collar of my shirt, yanking me towards him. I yelped as he slammed me against the wall behind him.

"You worthless piece of schist! I ask for one little thing and you screw it up!  Can't you do anything right?!" He screamed in my face.

I sputtered, trembling and weakly trying to push him off of me. I wasn't sure why I was trying. He held me up, my feet hanging a few feet in the air. Tears burned in my eyes as I squirmed and gripped his wrists in fear. I couldn't manage to make out any words. His eyes have never been so terrifying. 

"I-It was a mistake... I'm s-sorry," I whimpered, letting the tears run free. 

He took a deep breathe, pulling away. He took a step back, taking me with him. I found myself face to face with him again, my feet still hanging in midair. He glared at me, holding me close to his face still. He leaned in our noses almost touching.

"You've been making a lot of mistakes sweetheart," he whispered, his voice harsh still. "I've done a lot of things for you these past few years. If you don't work with me... We might need to go our separate ways. And if that happens, you can't stay here. You've been good for so long. What happened?" 

I shivered at his tone and words. What did he mean, "Go our separate ways?" Was he planning on breaking up with me. I'm only sixteen. Where would I go if I can't live here anymore? What if the police find me. They'll ask questions. Question I can't answer. Questions that could cost me my life. I whimpered at his last statement, trying to come up with an answer that would not angry him. 

"N-Nothing. I've just been out of it. My mistake," I whispered miserably. 

He nodded, lifting his head and planting a kiss on my forehead. I shivered again, the gesture that seemed sweet to others had a more sinister meaning to it in this situation. He lowered me onto my feet and glanced at the broken plate on the other side of the table. He turned back and glowered at me. 

"Clean that up, would ya? I don't want to wake up in the morning to a mess that you created," he mumbled bitterly, disappearing into our bedroom.

I kept silent, wiping the tears from my face. I then sighed and walked to the other side of the table and began cleaning the broken mess, cutting my hands on the broken shards in the process. I screwed up.. Bad.

~Flashback ends~

I shut the bedroom door once I came back to reality. I needed to try and make it up to him. Whatever he said about "going our separate ways" can't happen. It won't happen. Nathan would never dump me. He was right last night. I kept screwing up easy tasks. I should have just.. Watched a video one cooking or something. I kept messing up and that was my own fault. Maybe he'll forgive me if I make waffles today. He likes waffles. Hopefully we can forget about this. What am I saying? Of course we'll forget about this. Nathan would never do anything to purposely hurt me.

He loves me...

(Ok! I've been meaning to get this out for a while. Now that it's out, I can sleep! Yaaay... Shesh. I'm tired. Sorry if this is terrible because of that fact. But, honestly what wattpadian gets any sleep around here. Oh well. See ya and goodnight!)

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