Chapter Fifty-Two: Deal with this

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(^ The song Will sung to Nico.)

Will's POV

Nico's okay. He's safe. I'm so glad. The only thing I'm worried about is why his scent is different. It's like it's tainted with the scent of.. Someone else. When that thought crossed my mind, Sol growled immediately. The healers rushed him into the house as I continued to wonder why Nico's scent is different.

Then Sol brought up something.

The only way his scent would be tainted with someone else's is if he mated with someone...

That made my chest tighten in slight panic. Nico would never do that.. Would he?

He wouldn't. He wouldn't! Then how-

Does Nico have to give consent?

No. As long as it- wait.

I felt my blood run cold yet burning fury rose from the pit of my stomach at the same time. I stared at the ground in a daze-like state while Sol's heated anger made my hands clinch into fists. Who... Who... Why...? Why would anyone... Who had the nerve.. I couldn't even think clearly. There was one thing Sol and I agreed on. This person is going to die. By our hands.

I tried to go back. I did. But no one would let me. Not after what happened before. They kept telling me to go back with Nico. I wanted to. I just wanted to hold him and pretend this never happened. At least, I did. Sol was having none of it. He was angry. So was I, but at least I wasn't blinded by fury like he tended to get. I just froze, tense as I stared at nothing. I've never met anyone with the scent that's on Nico. Who would it be? Who would dare touch my mate?! 

Finally I managed to fight away Sol and go upstairs. There I found the healers standing over Nico who was curled in the bed in my room. He looked so lifeless... It was terrifying. The healers were prodding and touching him, trying to make sure he wasn't going to die anytime soon. I knew that was their intentions, but after what I just learned I was so tempted to bite everyone in this room. Everyone but Nico of course. I just watched silently from the doorway, rubbing my arms to try and stop myself from getting.. possessive. 

"Alpha," the voice of one of the healers made me jump a little. It was a man. I don't remember his name. "Are you alright?" 

"What do you think, smart ass?" Sol's voice snapped from my mouth. The healer flinched a little and guilt swelled in my chest. It wasn't his fault this is all happening.

It's our fault.

Sol. Stop that.

Just telling the truth.

After the healers finished up whatever they were doing when I walked in, they left. I shut the door behind them and turned my attention to Nico, who still didn't look like he was planning on waking up anytime soon. At least he's alive.


I ended up getting into bed with Nico. He woke up, somewhat, only once before rolling around a little and going back to sleep. At least his alive. That's all I care about. Whatever damage the cold did to him, it'll get better. As long as he was alive. 

Nico woke up again not too long after he knocked out for the second time. He actually opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes. I missed his eyes so much. We were still cuddling under the blankets when he did wake up. He was still clinging to my shirt, our legs tangled together. He looked up at me, locking eyes. I didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. Then I kissed him. It was short and sweet and he didn't seem at all against it. When I pulled back.. he was smiling. His smile. I missed his smile. 

"I missed you.." I whispered, somehow defying the laws of physics and holding him closer to me. Nico sighed, resting against me. "I missed you so much." 

"I missed you too," he whispered. His voice came out as a croak and it sounded like the walls of his throat were covered in sandpaper, but I still wanted to cry just hearing it. I guess I was actually processing the fact that he was actually here. Alive and in my arms. I never want him to be away from me again. 

I sighed, burying my face in his hair and taking a breath. And I pulled away. That scent. It bothers me so much. It makes me want to vomit just having it mixed in with Nico's perfect scent. It was just.. wrong. When I glanced down at Nico, I swore I saw his already crackled eyes cracking just a little more. "What?" He whispered. I hesitated. I didn't want to ruin this moment but.. 

"Your scent," I mumbled. "Its like it's mixed with someone else's."

Have you ever physically seen someone's soul shatter? At that moment, I swear I saw Nico's. He threw himself at me, broken sobs erupting from him. Everything in me probably broke too. It was true. Someone really did dare to touch him. 

That bastard.

I don't think I've ever agreed with my wolf so much. I think what hurt the most was Nico trying to apologize. He couldn't even manage to get words out. All that came out was desperate gasps and sorry excuses for simple words. Not to mention the fact that he never once pulled his face from its spot buried in my chest. I didn't need his apology. He shouldn't even be trying to give it. I gathered him into my arms, holding him as he cried. I wanted to cry too. But Sol's anger only allowed hot tears to gather in my eyes as I clutched my broken mate to my chest. Soon he stopped trying to speak and just cried. Was cry the right word? No. Sob? Still an understatement. Bawl? Was bawling the right word? I still wasn't sure. 

"Shhh," I whispered, letting the tears roll down my own face. "It's okay. I got you. You're okay. I love you. I love you so much." 

With that, I sat on the bed with Nico. He continued to soak my shirt with tears but I didn't mind one bit. I kissed his forehead and sang softly to him. It was all I could do. 

I didn't know how to deal with this all myself.

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