Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ready

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Nico's POV

I don't know what to think of this mate thing. Why did it start hurting once Will pulled away from me? And why did it get worse? There's nothing wrong with it now, no pain and it looks healed, but I'm still so confused. Will has became almost clingy, always following me around and always asking if I felt okay. I keep telling him I was fine but he'd still follow me. Not that I minded. I kinda thought it was... Cute.

I think my mark healed completely yesterday. There's a small symbol there now. It looks.. like a tattoo. But it's nice. It's a crescent moon inside of a sun. They're both black. Will obviously likes it since he keeps staring at it.

(This is Nico's mark:

Smaller of course, but you get the idea

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Smaller of course, but you get the idea.)

Will said if he marks me than the other wolves wouldn't bother me. I underestimated how true that was. I went outside by myself today. That girl from before, Drew I think her name was, found me again. She started flirting with me a little but then she sniffed me and looked at the mark and she immediately stepped away and apologized. It was a little weird but she actually walked- runned?- away from me.

It's been like that the whole day. Wolves who looked like they were hostile would get close but then stop, apologize, and leave. A few wolves who didn't seem to want to bother me greeted me as "Alpha". I really don't know how to feel about this. It's crazy. Naomi compliments me and Apollo.. Just looked at the mark, went "Oooooh!", blushed and looked away. I might have giggled at that. Might.

"I think the mark is working," Will and I were sitting in his- our?- bedroom. He asked if anything happened while I was outside. "No one tried to do anything and a few wolves called me Alpha."

"Are.. Are you okay with that?" Will fiddled with his fingers, chewing on his lip. He was so nervous ever since he marked me.

"It's fine Will," I shrugged, looking down at my feet. "I was going to have to accept being Alpha anyway."

"But-" "Will. I'm ready now," I cut him off, looking up and locking eyes with him. He looked a little startled. "Ready for what?" He asked slowly.

"I'm ready to be Alpha with you. I still don't know anything about it but I trust you to help me with that. I'm still.. Unsure of my feelings for you.. But I'll work on that too," I kept my eyes locked with his as I spoke. It was hard to make my voice sound so confident.

Will nodded, biting his lip but.. Smiling. "Okay. I'm not sure when my dad will decide to give up his crown, probably soon since autumn's coming, but when that time comes-"

"I'll be ready..."

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