Chapter Seventy: The End

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???'s POV

"So what do we do when we find him?"

That was the question that hung in the air around us. We all stood at the entrence of the forest, just in front of the railing that showed where the road ended. Just up the road was Nathaniel's house which was still covered in police tape. The police hasn't been able to arrest the bastard since there's no proof that Nico was dead and he was the one to kill him.

"What if he doesn't recognize us?" I shifted uncomfortably at the thought of my own question. "We haven't seen each other since we were kids. I barely remember what he looks like."

"We haven't changed that much," Leo waved the question off with a smile. He then grinned. "Except Frank. Frank went from a marshmallow to a body builder."

Frank blushed at that, the group chuckling. "He's still a marshmallow," I giggled, making Frank blush more.

"Let's just go in and find out," Reyna sighed, hoping over the railing and sliding down the slope, into the darkness of the trees. We all hesitated before hearing her shout "Come on!" Jason climbed in next, then Percy, Piper, Annabeth, Leo, then me.

The forest was dark. The air around it felt tight and seemed to suffocate me. I shrunk towards Frank, intertwining fingers with him as we began walking foward.

"This was a waste of time," Reyna said finally. "He's not here.. and I'm slightly afraid of what condition he'll be in when we do find him."

I shivered, biting my lip. Everyone seemed to do the same. The leaves of the trees seemed like a blanket that blocked out the sunlight. The wind around us gave me goosebumps. It was almost as if the forest wasn't pleased with our presence. I began trembling a bit, gripping Frank's hand more. This place was giving me the creeps.

"Maybe Reyna's right.." I suddenly blurted out, my voice filling in the heavy silence that surrounded us. "Maybe we.. should just stop looking. It's been months. The police themselves have cancelled the search. Maybe we should just accept-"

"You came pretty far out this time.."

The group froze, searching the trees for the source of the voice. It was slightly deep, male, with a slight accent, filled with amusement. Who could be this deep in the woods?

"What can I say? I was bored."

I tensed, sensing the others around me do the same. That.. that was Nico. That was Nico's voice! Who was he with?

"Oh yeah-?"

The other voice cut off mid-sentance.


There was a sudden bone-chilling snarl. We all stood in place until a sudden figure burst through the bush. It was a wolf, a giant wolf. It's fur was golden with deep blue eyes. It's lips were pulled back to show off its large and sharp teeth as it raised its hackles at us. We all cried out in unison, Frank shoving me behind him and staring in horror at the creature. Suddenly another, smaller, figure runs out behind it.

It was a smaller boy with curly black hair that reached his shoulders. He was wearing a black jacket with grey shoulders, white buttons going down the front of it. It was open to reveal a dark, yet beige shirt that had white for the collar and waist. His faded blue jeans were ripped at the places at his knees and below. His shoes were also beige with white sploches. His skin was pale, yet didn't seem like he was a foot in the grave. His dark brown eyes were wide and locked on us with his jaw dropped. This was Nico. But definitely not a Nico that has been left in the forest for a month.

"G-Guys?" His voice came out as a croak.

The End

Within the Forest (Werewolf Solangelo AU)Where stories live. Discover now