Chapter Fifty: Nico

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Will's POV

I've never felt so restless. I haven't stopped moving since we left the river. I paced and paced for hours on end. No food. No sleep. I didn't feel like I needed it. I just paced. I just need to keep moving. I don't know why, but I just need to keep moving. Just keeping moving. Just keep moving..

My parents came back not too long ago. They tried to comfort me. The best they could do was encouraging words and that one moment my mother was able to hug me before I wiggled away and kept pacing. I know they're trying to help, and I love them for that, but I just don't want to be kept still right now. Just keep moving. Just keep moving.

"Will, darlin, please eat something," my mother's pleaded. I kept pacing.

"Wouldn't kill you to sit down for a moment.." My father's voice suggested. Just kept pacing.

"He'll come back, but he'd want to healthy when he does!" Lou spoke up. When did she get here? I paused to consider it before shaking my head. And just. Kept. Pacing.

There was only one thing that stopped my pacing. I blinked, my vision going.. Dull? Colors.. Colors were gone. Everything was black, grey, or white. In a silent panic, I blinked again. Normal. Everything was colorful and normal again. What the-

"MOM! DAD!" I cried, panic making my chest close up. The next moment my mother was holding my arm, her grip seeming to anchor me. "M-My... C-Colors. The colors changed. It's f-fine now but-"

"Woah there," My dad put his hand on my shoulder. "Slow down. What happened?"

"I-I went colorblind! I just blinked and-"

I looked at my parents, fear covering their features. What happened? "Will," my dad said slowly. "That means Nico's.. He's somewhere.. Dying.."

That did it. I ripped away from them, racing out of the house. Past my parents. Past my friends. Past my other packmates. Sol took control for a moment and I found myself at the river, again. I scanned the area until I saw him. A small human laying face first into the snow. His scent hit me immediately.


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