Chapter Thirty-Two: Hell yes!

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(This chapter is gonna be awful. Just so you know.)

Will's POV

Saying I was relieved that Nico didn't make a big deal out of me becoming Alpha was an understatement. I honestly thought he was going to freak out. But he said he was fine with it. Thankfully, the ceremony wasn't until a few weeks. The first full moon of autumn. Why autumn?... I don't know. Even Nico asked why autumn but I didn't have an answer.

Sol was becoming restless. Becoming Alpha soon was a big deal. Especially since that meant my parents were leaving. It was part of the tradition. To prevent the risk of my father still acting dominant over the pack and over me, he has to leave. I guess the thought of the pack being pretty much forced to follow someone else's orders over your own's would be a little too much for his wolf. And since him and my mom were mates, obviously, she had to go too. And she wasn't very happy about that.

The ceremony wasn't all that special. I choose my betas, Lou Ellen and Cecil, and I pretty much kept everything else the same. Nico felt pretty awkward being there. At that time he was the only one out of wolf form. He just stood there, watching. I felt back seeing him look so uncomfortable. He looked like he wanted to sink into the earth for the rest of time. I knew that feeling much too well.

About a week or so after the ceremony, my parents decided they should go. Well.. My dad decided they should go. My mom wasn't very thrilled.

"We can't leave yet!" My mother cried, clinging to me. I just awkwardly hugged her back, looking to my father for help. He just shrugged. "He's still a baby! How can he take care of a whole pack on his own! He isn't ready for this!"

"Ooh! Ouch," Nico muttered, obviously amused by this. And he had the nerve to smile innocently at the glare I sent him. This guy..

"Mom, I'll be okay. I'm not by myself. I have Nico," I pointed out, Nico blinking and seeming to silently question why he was brought into this conversation. Mom just smiled then latched onto Nico. He tensed for a moment before stiffly hugging back. Apparently only I can hug him without him having that reaction. Ha. Take that mom.

"The little darling's just a baby too!" Mom whined, hugging Nico tightly. I immediately felt bad for him. "William you better make sure nothing happens to this poor baby." I smirked, crossing my arms.

"Nothing will happen to the little baby, Mom," I teased Nico, earning a small groan from him. (Not the first time he'll groan from teasing from Will ;).) My dad walked over, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Remember Will. The youngest he can be is eighteen. So you just gotta wait a couple more years." I stood there, confused for a moment. My mom stood up, glaring at my father who just laughed. Nico frowned at him, eyebrows furrowed with the same amount of confusion I felt. Then.. It hit me.


More laughter. Dad doubled over, hugging his middle. Mom just shook her head, rubbing her temples. Nico continued to look confused. "Who needs to be eighteen? For what?" He asked, looking to me for help. I felt my face heat up. "I-Ignore him, Nico.." Dad managed to stop his laughter and continued to tell my mom to hurry up. Mom showered us in kisses and hugs, promising they'll be back to visit before they left. I followed them just for the hell of it, making sure they didn't die. I had to stop once they left pack territory and made my way back.

Nico was sitting in the living room by the time I got back. I smiled, waving and sitting next to him. We had the house completely to ourselves. For the first time. Ever. I had no idea what to do now. Nico didn't seem to have an idea either. He finally decided to speak up. "So.. Your parents are gone."

"Yes. Yes they are."

"And we have the house for ourselves."

"Yes. Yes we do."

"... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I went quiet, turning and locking eyes with Nico. We stared at each other for awhile until we both grinned. "We eat everything in the kitchen?"

"Hell yes!"

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