Chapter Sixty-Eight: For Now

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Will's POV

For whatever reason, Sol's been on edge lately. And he's been very vauge on the reasoning behind it. He's becoming like a paranoid voice in the back of my head, always telling me to keep Nico close and make sure he's safely in the pack. As if something is going to happen to him that we need to be aware of. So we can prevent it. But it's hard to prevent something you don't know of.

Sol, you're starting to really worry me..

Something bad is going to happen. We just.. don't know what exactly..

I was currently following Nico around. It was his birthday today. He was seventeen years old and I hadn't made any sign that I remembered. I wanted to suprise him. I told the whole pack, even my parents. Nico hasn't seemed upset so far, slightly amused that I have been at his heels all day and won't give a clear answer of why. One reason was because I didn't want him finding out about the suprise. A second reason was because of Sol's paranoia and I wouldn't be able to stay sane if I wasn't sure of Nico's safety.

"-special today?"

I blinked, just realizing Nico has been talking to me. I met his expecting gaze with a blank one, making his face fall a bit. It took a lot of willpower to not wince at his disappointed face. "Hm? What was that?"

"Anything special you have planned today?"

"Uh, no nothing in mind," I shrugged, avoiding the possible heartbroken look Nico may be wearing. "Why? Do you?"

"... No. No I don't."

I nodded, humming. "Okay."

The rest of our time we spent speaking with the pack. Several pups had been born from the heat. I watched Nico hold several babies, panicking about how he was going to drop the fragile little bundles of life. It was honestly pretty adorable and made me remember something. I can't have biological pups with Nico. Just as he was ranting about before, he's a human male. And even if he was female, I wasn't sure if his body was strong enough to support the life of a werewolf fetus. Even if the child would be born half human.

Trying to ignore that slightly disappointing fact, I continued to have pups shoved into my arms and watching Nico cradle and coo at the ones I couldn't hold. It was nice. Once sunset came, I tugged Nico away from the pups and started back to the house.

"Why did we need to leave?" Nico whined as I dragged him. He was really loving his time with those pups. "They were so cute... so so cute.."

"I know, Neeks," I teased, walking over to our house. I then pulled Nico to me, covering his eyes with my arm. He complained as I opened the door and gently pushed inside the house before me. I then shut the door behind me as I followed him inside.

"Why is it so dark?" Nico asked as I took his wrist and led him into the main living room. "Will, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it," I grinned to myself as I walked into the room. "Just look."

I switched on the light switch of the room, feeling Nico jump as everyone leaped out and yelled "SUPRISE!"

The whole pack wasn't there, of course. Not everyone wanted to come, or just couldn't. So about.. one third of the pack.. maybe less.. was currently huddled in the living room of my whole. This included Lou Ellen, Cecil, and my parents. I glanced down at Nico, who was staring at the crowd in shock. A large grin then took over his features and I swore the room was five times brighter than it was before.

"You did remember!" Nico launched himself at me and engulfed me in a hug.

"How could I forget my Angel's seventeenth birthday. Isn't seventeen like a milestone for humans?"

Nico rolled his eyes. "You're thinking eighteen. Or sixteen, but that's only really for girls."

I shrugged, giving Nico a small kiss before Lou came and dragged him away from me and to the cake my mother made. It was chocolate from what I know with vanilla frosting. I watched as my father took a glop of frosting and put it on Nico's nose, like he's done for me every year.

"Will, you want cake or not?"

I chuckled, walking over.

See Sol? Everything's fine.


For now...

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