Chapter Sixty-Five: Coming for you

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(Heeyy guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Writer's block is an asshole...)

???'s POV

"What the hell do you mean you saw him?!"

My two friends, Leo and Jason, had just came to me saying they had found Nico. But had the nerve to come back without him. Jason looked unsure but Leo was bouncing off the walls.

"We say him! He might have went all Tarzan on us since he found him walking and talking with a wolf, but we found him!" Leo's words were almost too quick to comprehend. Even Jason looked like he was having a hard time understanding him, and they've been friends for so long that Jas was pretty much out Leo Translater.

"Wait, a wolf?! You left him in a wolf filled forest!" I ran my fingers through my hair, terrified of what my lil bro's been through. "Are you guys insane?! Why didn't you get him!"

"To be fair," Jason finally spoke up. "There was a wolf that was taller than Nico. I know there's a lot of things taller than Nico, but I mean it was probably my size. I couldn't tell from a distance, but that fucker was huge."

"And he named it.." Leo added. "Sal, I think."

"For the love of-" I covered my face with my hands, wanting to scream. "If we go back there and he's been mauled by that thing, I'm mauling you guys myself."

They both nodded quickly. These guys were ridiculous. But what now? Nico's alive, but he's living with a wolf in the forest?! How'd he even survive?! It's been months! What has he eaten?! Where has he been sleeping without wild animals coming up and taking a chunk of him home?! This is all too insane. At least we know he's alive.

"Well, what now?" Jason asked. I bit my lip, thinking. "Do we call the police? Have them go get him? Bring animal control too?"

"No," I finally said. "That'll probably freak him out. If he has gone... "Tarzan".. The first people he sees shouldn't be a bunch of yelling guys with guns and tranquilizers."

"True," Leo sighed. "I know I wouldn't want to be dragged into civilization like that. Then who do we call?"

"Hazel, Annabeth, Reyna, Piper, and Frank," I nodded. "Then we all go get him ourselves. Maybe he'll remember us. Did he look hurt at all? Sick?"

"We've only seen him from behind and heard his voice," Jason said sheepishly. "But judging by that, he seems perfectly fine."

"I can't believe it came to this.." I sighed.

"It's not your fault, Percy," Leo walked up, patting my arm. "None of us knew. We just thought he lost touch once he moved away after the.. ya know.. deaths?"

"Yeah. For all we knew, he could have been put in a foster home across the country and just never got around to tracking us down," Jason shrugged.

I still didn't feel convinced. I saw him. Back at Olive Garden. The same night he went missing, judging by what that asshole said. I don't even want to say his name. Looking back, there were so many signs Nico was being hurt by that guy. He flinched when I hugged him, his attitude went from somewhat happy to timid once that asshole showed up, the guy was aggressive as hell and he dragged Nico out of the restaurant. Why didn't I do anything?! I could have prevented this and that ass would have been behind bars while Nico could have been safely living with us or with Hazel!

"Let's just.. focus on getting him back," I shook my friend away. "We'll round up everyone then go into the woods after him. Once we get him back, we'll see what we can do from there."

"What about the wolf?" Jason asked, looking like he was having war flashbacks. "Nico seemed a bit attached to that thing and vis versa."

"Well, Frank is good with animal," I shrugged. "We'll figure out something."

Leo grinned and Jason nodded. Don't worry Nico....

We're coming for you....

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