I don't know what to say...

4.1K 153 58

Book: So.. 50k huh?

Me: ....

Book: What? No funny skit? No Nico and Will?

Me: Oh no, they're right there.

Solangelo: *waves*

Me: But.. I dunno..

Book: Whatcha thinking?

Me: ... How crazy this is. How I love all my readers.. so much. How.. I never thought this would happen. Ever.

Book: But it did.

Me: Yup. It did.

Me: Thank you guys. So much. You all are so unbelievably amazing and sweet and so supportive and loving and.. You all are so.. I.. amazing. Incredible. I don't.. there are no words to describe how much I.. love you guys. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you-

Will: You good?

Me: thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank-

Nico: Great, you all broke her..

Me: thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you-

Book: I'll wrap this up for her. You all are great. Thanks for so many reads. She'll post soon. And also, vote down below if you want Lou and Cecil to actually have a baby. And Mika will post soon. She promises. See ya~

Me: *Will and Nico carrying me away* Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you-


Yes, baby!

No, not yet.

Not ever!

Within the Forest (Werewolf Solangelo AU)Where stories live. Discover now