Chapter Thirty-Five: Not a big deal

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Nico's POV

I'm a bit embarrassed by the way I've been acting with Will. I let him kiss me once and now it's like I'm obsessed with him. I can't help it. I don't know if it's the fact that he's a werewolf or if I haven't known what love was all these years, but Will makes me feel so much different. The kiss.. I don't know how to describe it. I was actually angry with my lungs for giving me a reason to pull away.

Have you ever been shocked by a piece of metal? Well that's how it felt when I kissed him. But.. Times a thousand. I felt like I should have died, but obviously not. It was like getting shocked, but by an actual piece of lightning. I physically couldn't breathe. Which was why the kiss didn't last too long. Breathing was a curse, but a curse I had to live with.

I was pretty disappointed to find that none of the following kisses were that intense. They sent a warm chill through me, yet never had that shock. Why did I like the shock? I honestly don't know. It's the same with Sol's touch. I don't know why I like it, I just do. Sadly, the burning of Sol's touch had died down to just a heated warmth. It still made hugging Sol more enjoyable then it would be without it, but I missed the way it felt when he first touched me. I missed the burning of his touch, the feeling of his lips on my neck (one of the places my skin was the most sensitive), the waves of heat and shock when Will/Sol marked me. I missed the more intense side of our contact. I guess my body just got used to it after awhile, so it isn't quite intense anymore...

I have to say, loving Will is a lot different than loving Nathaniel. I had to do everything with Nathan. Clean, cook, make sure he doesn't die of alcohol poisoning. Even.. Even endure those nights he comes home.. Honry. But loving Will was almost.. Easy. He always did everything. I never had to do really anything. Will always did everything. And it was a nice change.

The only thing that worries me a bit is.. What if Will wants to.. Do.. It.. With me. I see the way Sol looks at me sometimes. It doesn't exactly make me uncomfortable. I just always blush when he does it. But.. I don't know if I would be able to.. Be with him.. Like that. I just don't know if I would be comfortable. We can't biologically have kids anyway....

So that wouldn't be that big of a deal.. Right?

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