Chapter Forty: What just happened?!

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Will's POV

(TW: I dunno how to explain it. Just read with caution.)

Sol is getting really out of hand. It's to the point where not even Nico asking him to stop or questioning his actions snaps him out of whatever trance he's in. I have to forcefully take control away from him, then fight him to keep it. I'm really concerned. I know Sol isn't acting this way on purpose. He told me so. He's just been feeling weird since winter started, but he won't tell me exactly what's making him feel like that.

Nico and I have been out for a little while now. I shifted into wolf form and decided to run around in the snow. Nico was trying to chase after me but was failing miserably. I hide behind a bush and waited, seeing him begin to slow down.

"Will?" He called, walking and breathing heavily. Puffs of mist gave out of his mouth from his hot breath touching the cold air that surrounded him. He was wrapped in the deer skin and other kinds of cloth the pack normally uses to make warm clothes in the winter. He pulled his little coat closer, shivering a bit as his black locks feel in front of his face. He was so beautiful..

I kept myself crouched in the bushes, waiting. Once Nico's back was turned, I leaped out and tackled him. He let out a small squeal, squirming underneath me. I gripped his coat, successfully flipping him onto his back. He smiled, reached and cupping my face with his small hands. I huffed, smiling to myself as Nico gently pulled my face down and kissed my nose. I instinctively snorted, shaking my head violently and huffed as Nico laughed at me.

I hopped off my mate, jogging back towards the house. I threw some spare clothes on after shifting back into human form and came out again to see Nico giggling to himself and tossing snow into the air. He was just so cute. I walked up to him, gasping as he turned and threw a snow chunk at me. It hit my chest, the startling fact that it was thrown at me to begin with made me stumble a bit. He laughed, doubling over with his arms wrapped around his middle. How old was this guy again?

"Oh so that's how you want to do this?" I grinned, gathering some snow in my own hands. Nico squeaked, turning and running off. I threw my snow at him, hitting him in the shoulder blade, and ran after him. There was no one else out, adults not feeling like dealing with the snow and parents not wanting their pups to get sick. So there was a lot of room to run around in. I lunged forward, tackling Nico. I just barely got him. Once he were on the floor, my arms were around his waist and my face was pressed against his lower back.

"Will!" He whined, trying to wiggle free from my hold. I was still panting from running, yet sat up and let him go. Nico stood up, brushing the snow off of himself. I stood up, wrapping my arms around him and kissing his cheek. "It's not my fault you humans aren't fast," I teased, Nico crossing his arms and pouting. He tilted his head up to look at me, giving me free access to his face.

I kissed Nico's nose and cheeks, making me burst into a giggle fit. He squirmed in my arms, trying to push me away. I kept my firm grip on him, holding him against my chest. He leaned against me, sighing.

Then, Sol decided to be an ass. He began to make me kiss Nico a bit more, going a bit lower than his cheeks and jaw. It was so weird when Sol decided to act up. I was still in control, yet I wasn't at the same time. I couldn't stop him unless I had to fight him. And I ended up having to fight him quite often. Nico squirmed as my lips touched his neck, but didn't move that much besides that. I huffed, trying to pull away from him. Sol didn't let me.

Sol! Stop it!

He didn't respond. I continued to bark at him, struggling to get away from Nico who began to express how uncomfortable he was beginning to get. "Sol.. Please," Nico mumbled, pushing against my chest and trying to get away. Sol had began to hold me too hard. I gasped, cringing as Sol took control completely.

Sol's POV

We couldn't help ourselves. It was almost painful not being with Angel, even if he didn't have a heat cycle. So when Will and Nico decided to get all touchy and affectionate, we couldn't help ourselves.

We held our mate tight, kissing down his jaw and neck. He wiggled, gasping and squirming while trying to get away. We still held him too tightly for that to happen. He kissed down his neck, the opposite side to the matemark. We growled softly, our arms tight around his waist as we held him in place.

"Sol," Angel gasped, sounding almost breathless. His skin was warm and when we actually glanced up, we saw it was tinted with pink. "Sol please.."

We rumbled softly, our lips against his skin. Then we did something with an unexpected outcome. We bit into his neck, a little too hard. We felt our teeth break his skin and his bitter tasting blood stain our lips. We expected him to cry out in pain, to pull away and sob from the ache. But he didn't. He.. He moaned. His body shook as he moaned, tensing with a small gasp beforehand. We froze, pulling away. Nico froze too, his hand immediately reaching up to touch the small bite on his neck.

We quickly snap out of it, gripping Nico's arms and spinning him around. Nico squeaked, his face flushed. We slammed our lips into his before a sudden ache ripped through our skull, showing that Will was trying to force control from us. We growled, feeling Nico continue to try and fight us. Then all we saw was white.

Will's POV

I finally managed to tear control away from Sol. But by the time I finally managed, I looked up just in time to see Nico running. Not to the house. Into the trees. I was about to run after him when I yelpled in pain, gripping a few of my blonde locks as Sol's struggle caused an ear-splitting headache. When I finally managed to open my eyes again, Nico was gone. Oh god...

What just happened?!

(Woo! That's a long one! I feel evil..)

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