Chapter Twenty-One: Feelings

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Nico's POV

I didn't know what to think. I was grateful to Will- no Sol. He said his name was Sol. He spoke so strangely. And he called me.. Angel. I'm blushing just thinking about it. His voice.. He was just so different from Will. He said he was Will's wolf. Like.. His werewolf side? Why were they two separate people? That was weird. At least it's obvious how to tell them apart. Sol's eyes.. They were so dark. Much darker than Will's. They looked almost.. Lifeless and angry. Yet they were filled with.. Lust while he was looking at me? I don't think I've ever blushed so much in my life. It didn't make it any better that he was naked other than a sheet covering everything below his waist. Thank god for that or else I would have gotton a nosebleed.

His voice.. That's another thing. It was so deep. It wasn't as light and playful as Will's. He seemed to rumble when he spoke. It was so strange. I've never seen anyone in the pack so hesitant to go near him. Even Cecil looked scared.  I.. I didn't feel scared. I guess when he told me to close my eyes I was a bit nervous.. But not scared. I couldn't bring myself to be.. Scared of him. I was scared of what he was capable of.. But not of him. Though I was scared when I felt his hot breath on my neck.. Then what I assumed as his lips?

His touch... That's the biggest difference between the two. Will's touch.. Was gentle. I felt like I was being shocked whenever he touched me, yes, but it was minor. Like if a piece of metal shocked you. I would tense.. But it was fine after a moment. His hands were warm and left whatever he touched feeling warm even after he let go. Sol.. Sol was a different story. When he touched me, my body almost jerked. I felt like pure, raw electricity raced up each and every vein in my arm and filling me with warmth. His hands were warm as well, like Will's, but I felt my skin burning and tingling even after he let go of me. And.. I loved it. I loved the burning feeling and the electricity.. Nathaniel's touch never did that to me. Even when he first met. It never left me feeling warm. It never gave me sparks underneath my skin that I can never explain. It always made my muscles tense and get ready to be hit, even when he wasn't planning on hitting me. I tense when Will/Sol touch me, but my body forces me to relax almost exactly as we make contact. And I love it. As weird as that sounds.

Will gives me the more tame versions of the feelings Sol gives me. Will's is just a sweet warmth that my normally cool body greedily soaks up as quickly as it can. Sol is a hot burning flame that engulfs my limbs and my insides, making them melt. Yet I still love it. I love it so much. Even if Sol's touch as more of a possessive feel to it, I love it. I've never loved being touched by someone before. Will's kiss made me shiver, even if it was only on the forehead. It sent warm chills from the spot it was place, throughout me. The feeling was the thing that made me stand there in almost shock afterwards. As he held me my body soaked up his heat and made me want to melt into him.

Sol's kiss, on the neck, made me feel so much different. It forced me to ease my tension, yet like a match in a room of gun powder and gasoline it made everything in me burst into a delicious burning that melted me. That's why I became less tense. Everything in me melted and I was left sitting there and almost wanting to beg him to do it again. The burn filled me quickly, eating away at me and sending my mind into a daze. Even if I was uncomfortable with whatever Sol was doing, I wouldn't be able to do anything. The moments where he paused and did nothing was almost like torture, the flame he had ignited in me begging to be fed and me having to swallow down a whine from my desperate want to keep that feeling in me for as long as I possibly could.

When Sol pulled away and Will's voice came back muttering apologies, I couldn't help it. I touched the spot his lips touched. The temperature of my skin was no different. If it even was a little bit warmer, it was maybe because of his breath that only sent more burning chills up my spine. Yet the feeling was still there. And it only worse when Will touched me. It was like adding a small fire to an already boiling pit of lava. It really made no different yet it had some effects. It made me shivered more the two times touched me. Warmth rushed through me and somehow soothed the burning ever so slightly, but not enough to put it out completely. I didn't care. I almost wanted to throw himself in Will's arms, asking him to hold me. I didn't of course.

The burning dissolved into nothing once we got back to the house and after Will clothes himself before letting me in his room, he actually explained what Sol was trying to do. I was a bit frightened. He almost bit me. Would.. It have hurt? I asked that and he answered. Afterwards I confirmed I wasn't upset, just a bit shaken, and I swore I saw relief in his eyes. His eyes that flashed a shade darker before returning to normal. Will left the room, bathroom probably, and I was left in silence. The fire that raged inside of me just under my skin had burned itself out and I was left feeling.. Empty. Empty and cold. I didn't like it. I thought of Sol's eyes and the first time Will had ever held me and only my face heated up.

Why did his touch made me get these feelings?

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