Chapter N/A: Special

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(This chapter is dedicated to all my readers. You all are amazing! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me for so long. You guys are great and I love you all.)

Will's POV

I finally managed to escape from the pack. Nico feel asleep again and the pack became on edge. I don't know how people heard about what happened to Nico, I'm not sure if they even knew exactly, but looks of sorrow and pity were thrown my way the moment I stepped outside. I left the pack, bringing Lou and Cecil with me. And for the first time in my life, I crossed the river. I didn't care anymore. I was going to find who decided to touch my mate. And I was going to kill them. No severe injuries. No second chances. They are going to die. No guilt filled me for even thinking that. Maybe it was Sol. Maybe not. Who knows.

The East pack panicked when we showed up. Well, Ethan panicked. Well.. he didn't panic. He just looked extremely scared. He met us at the entrance of his camp along with his betas, Travis and Katie.

"Greetings," Ethan nodded politely.

"Cut the innocent shit," Sol's voice snapped from me. Ethan just stared in slight surprise while his betas, and most likely my own, flinched. "We want to know who you let near our mate."

"I didn't let anyone near your mate," Ethan confirmed, his voice confident. This lying son of a bitch. "I've been the only person who went near him and that was only to bring him food."

"Then why the hell is he mated?!" Sol spat, taking a step forward. It took a lot not to smirk with satisfaction seeing the other Alpha step back. "We haven't touched him yet. We know what his scent is and one of your little rats tainted it."

Ethan went silent. He opened his mouth to speak when a voice shouted "IT WAS LUKE!"

I spun around to see a large group of wolves. They didn't have the East pack sent. They all looked younger, some in wolf form and others in human. The one who was obviously leading them was a young girl. She had her arms crossed as she smiled at me. "Hey. Call me B. This is the Fan Pack. We heard what happened to your mate Will."

I stared at her suspiously. "How-"

"WHERE IS HE?!" One girl lunged forward only for B to hold her back. "I'LL KILL HIM!"

"Hey! Liyenna! Chill!" B pulled her into a hug but the girl still struggled.

"'Chill'? 'Chill'?! I will not CHILL! That fucking bitch touch our baby!"

I frowned. Their baby? He's not their baby.

He's our baby...

More wolves snarled and darted into the camp. B didn't try to stop them. Not long after, two wolves pulled a screaming Luke back to the area we all stood. Ethan stared at him. "It was you? But why?!"

Luke opened his mouth to speak when B suddenly yelled, "FUCK HIM UP GUYS!"

With a terrifying battle cry, the whole army of the "Fam Pack" lunged and attacked the man. There were screams and the sickening sounds of bones being crushed. Finally the pack let up, blood covering some part of every wolf, even B had shifted, that wasn't their own. Luke.. well his many limbs and organs, laid on the dirt with blood making a pool underneath. I stared in shock and turned back to the others. B winked at me, in wolf form, and disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

"Welp," I said. "That takes care of that. Let's go home."

(Sorry guys. This isn't a real chapter. But I just wanted to give you guys the satisfaction.)

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