Chapter Sixty-Four: Chaos

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Nico's POV

So Will gave me some superpower when he marked me. I can hear him in my head and vis versa. I discovered it the other day. Will and I were sitting in the living room, on the couch, not truly doing anything. Then a thought popped into my mind. It was around January, right? My birthday was coning up. Just as that thought passed my mind, Will perked up and looked at me.

"Your birthday is in January?"

After a moment of confusion and being completely convinced Will was physic, Will finally remembered werewolves had a special mindlink with their mates as well as other wolves they are close with. We've been able to work on not having every thought we have searched with the other.

I have no idea what drove Sol out of pack territory. He insisted something or someone was there. It was really stressing him for some reason and we went out to check it out. We ended up going to the same area I had entered the forest from all that time ago.

"There's no one out here Sol," I whimpered, letting my eyes scan over the trees.

I could almost remember the exact place I rolled in from. The exact spot I collapsed from exhaustion. The exact distance those two werewolves, who ended up being hunters named Michael and Myles, dragged me to the pack for Apollo to kill me. Memories.. I hate them.

"There's someone here," he insisted once again, creeping up towards a couple trees.

I shook my head, rubbing my arms while tapping my toes in an attempt to chase off the impatience that raced through my veins like my own blood. It didn't work.

"Sol, can we go? Please? There's no one out here and.. And being so close to the city is.. starting to make me uncomfortable." I felt like a whining little kid, but I really didn't want to be here any longer. I could almost feel myself being watched. All I could think of was "What if Nathaniel's here?"

Yes I know Will/Sol wouldn't let Nathan anywhere near me, and I trust that he and the pack would protect me if that ever happened. If that ever happened. But I still couldn't help but be shaken at the thought of him emerging from shadows like the demon he is.

"... Okay. Let's go," Sol sighed, finally.

I almost sobbed with relief. He turned and began trotting back home, me gladly following beside him. For whatever reason, I felt more eyes on the back of my head than I did before..


"How's the city like?"

It was a random question for Will to suddenly ask me. I'll admit, I was a bit caught off guard. I even asked him to repeat the question to make sure I heard right.

"Sorry, I'm just curious," Will shrugged sheepishly. "You said being so close to it the other day made you uncomfortable. Why?"

I sighed, chewing my lip before deciding to just tell him. "We were much too close to the place I had entered the forest from. You know, the day before we met? It has nothing to do with the city, it's just that the house I used to live in was really close to the entrance. I was just.. feeling anxious I guess."

Will nodded for a moment. He looked like he was about to say something, but I cut in before he could finish. I already knew what he was going to say anyway.

"Don't be sorry we went out there. I didn't have to follow you. It wasn't you or Sol's fault."

Will sighed before nodding again, obviously not convinced. He then pretty much repeated his first question. "How's it like to live in a city?"

I smiled, thinking back for a moment before simply saying,

"Compared to living here? It was chaos..."

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