Chapter Forty-One: Again

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Nico's POV

I didn't mean to run. Especially into the woods. But I just.. Panicked. I know Sol has been acting crazy but he's never went that far. My legs gave out from under me and my lungs burned. Had I been running for that long? That can't be good.

I stayed on my knees for a moment, panting and coughing as I struggled to correct my breathing. The ice and snow underneath me stung my skin with cold. Just as I was doing so, a burning hot pain strunk through my abdomen. I let out a soft cry, my arms wrapping around the spot only to find the pain was spreading. Not only my middle, but my neck too. The matemark was burning. It felt like my skin was going to melt off, yet of course it didn't.

I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to will the pain away. It only got worse. I winced, struggling to stand up. I stumbled, my body shaking as the pain grew once more. Tears stung my eyes as I clutched my torso, every part of me burning as if someone had set my insides on fire. It was so much different than the way my skin burned when Sol touched me. This hurt. So much. I looked up, my eyes blurry from tears and pain. Which direction did I come from again?

I turned around, searching for any sign in any direction that I had came from them. Nothing. I couldn't see anything. Maybe turning around wasn't the best idea. Which way was I facing again? I sighed, walking forward. I needed to get back to camp. Running was a terrible idea. I slipped a little as I walked, gasping and freezing to try and steady myself.

I stumbled, wincing and whimpering every step as more waves of scorching heat went through me. Tears ran down my cheeks, my legs wobbling under my weight as if I was just learning how to use them. What was going on with me? My tears only allowed the cold air to sting my skin even more. I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision as I heard rushing water. A river? Was there a river near the pack? I remember hearing Will mention one.

I stumbled forward again, opening my eyes to try and search for the river. I found it just a little ahead of me. I continued forward, managing to grip onto the nearby trees for support. So wait, where was the pack again? I don't remember seeing a river near the pack before. I managed to get close enough to search the other side of the fast moving water. I gasped, accidentally stepping on a patch of ice that was near the edge of the river. I cried out as I slipped, falling and tumbling into the water.

I was immediately submerged in the freezing water, opening my mouth to cry out as the water sunk into my clothing. My body for some reason was still burning, even if my skin was now numb from the cold. I thrashed, my body raising to the surface finally. I coughed and sputtered, sucking in air greedily before a small wave sent me back under. My vision began to grow dark, my limps ached from the freezing water seeming to try and freeze my muscles. My chest burned with not only the mysterious pain from before, but my lungs were screaming for air. Basically, I was in my own living hell.

Before my vision faded completely, an unknown force pulled me out of the water. I coughed roughly, my body shaking violently as I heaved up water onto the snow that I laid in. My body was aching, both freezing and burning at the same time. I flopped onto the snow, wishing for death. My head was swimming and my ears still felt like I was underwater. I forced my eyes open, looking up. My vision was still blurry and spotted with black as I barely made out blonde fur. Then another force grabbed onto my clothing and I felt myself being dragged. I couldn't even fight. It hurt too much to move. I just groaned in pain as whoever was pulling me continued.

Once again, I was being taken..

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