Chapter Fifty-Six: Struggle

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Will's POV

It's great to see that Lou and Nico are having a good time. Well, by what Lou's been telling me. For some reason, Sol hasn't been very trusting of Lou's word. I know for a fact Lou wouldn't hurt Nico, but Sol's been itching to see him again. The closest I've allowed us to get to Nico is sitting by the closed door. His scent alone, which I can thankfully pick up from behind the door, is enough to assure me he's okay. But not being able to physically touch him is almost painful.

One of the worst times is when Lou is too busy with her... "Own thing"... To help Nico through his little heat bursts. The scent along with his cries to help have been enough to nearly drive me out of the territory just to escape. I can't tell you how many times I've been at the door, hand on the knob, on the verge of actually going inside. Either I would snap out of it or somehow Sol would snap out of it first and pull me out with him. So many close calls. Too many for my liking.

I've tried to comfort him while his heat bursts were in their worst. Not before wrapping something around my nose and mouth to try and block the scent. It never worked really. But it kept me at bay before the scent still managed to get to me and I had to leave. This was another one of those cases.

"Just a little longer, Neeks," I sighed. One of my shirts wrapped around my face. His broken cries made my heart ached with the almost overwhelming urge to help him in any way I could. But that wouldn't be so good. "Just.. I don't know two days and a few hours?" I winced once I said that, because I knew what his reaction would be and I was right. A wail of desperation from behind the door made me flinch. It definitely sounds a lot longer if your in pain I guess.

"Will please!" He cried. I just looked down, tempted to cover my ears. "It hurts! It hurts so bad!"

I didn't respond. I couldn't bring myself to. I no longer had any words of comfort. I just sat there, listening to him cry as guilt made my heart ready to fall into the pit of my stomach. This was horrible. I felt like I was watching as he was tortured. No. I was the one torturing him. I'm a horrible mate.

Soon I couldn't take it. I stood up. I needed to leave. I couldn't be here and just listen to his pain. Nico must have heard me stand up because his cries got worse and louder. "Will! Will please don't leave me!" I winced at his screams but began to speed walk down the hall. "Will please! Please please!"

I paused, unwillingly. I felt my control being tugged at. Oh no, Sol. There is nothing you can do here. I clinched my hands into fists, shutting my eyes to fight him.

Control yourself. Do you want to hurt him?!

I gave a soft sigh of relief as I felt control almost immediately being given back. I hurried downstairs, tossing my "mask" to the side as I left the house entirely. I just needed to get away from the scent. It was suffocating me and I needed to breathe before I did something crazy.

This hurts. It hurts to just.. Leave him like that..

It's either that or-

We get it.

I walked around the camp, trying to get my mind off of everything that was happening. I ran my hand through my hair, sighing and squeezing my eyes shut. This just felt wrong. But there was nothing else I could do.

This is a torturous struggle....

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