Chapter Nine: Taken

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Nico's POV

I woke up that morning to find I was still alive. But the pain was still there. Not only from my new bruises, but now my body was sore from sleeping on the ground. I kept my eyes closed, trying to move as least as possible. Maybe if I just stayed there, I'd die off eventually. But I was greeted with a voice.

"Found him!"

My body flinched and I threw my eyes open, pushing myself up to see two... Naked men. (These guys are random people. Neither of them are characters from the books. If you'd like to make them a random characters, be my guess.) My face flushed at the sight and I covered my eyes, pushing myself against the tree and as far from them as possible. I heard one of them chuckle.

"What? Does your kind not walk around without clothes on?" His voice asked.

I was relieved it wasn't Nathaniel. But these guys weren't any better. Who were they? Why were they in the woods? Most importantly, where were their clothes?! And what did they mean by "your kind"? Do they mean Italian? ... Human?

I gasped when my arms were grabbed and yanked from my face. I almost sighed in relief when I saw they somehow were now fully clothed. But that relief didn't last long as I was pulled up from my sitting position against the tree. I yelped, throwing myself backwards to try and escape their grip. Sadly, they were much stronger than me. Surprise surprise. They yanked me forward, dragging me with both hands on each of my arms.

"Alpha will have fun with this one. He's quiet," the one on my left chuckled, pulling me as if trying to get me on my feet.

It worked for a moment until nausea made my head swim and my legs gave out underneath me. The men grunted, trying again, then gave up when I collapsed a second time.

"He's too beaten up. Let's just drag him. He's light enough," the one to my right grumbled.

They did begin to drag me, my feet making trails of disturbed earth as I was whisked away. My eyes were too sore to fill them with tears. I was sure I'd cried myself dry. I just let myself go limb and let them take me. I wasn't sure who this "Alpha" was, but "having fun" most likely meant killing me or.. Something else. (Yes. That something else. Nathan was abusive in more ways then one, but this story is clean. No smut and none.. Of this. I leave it to your imagination.) All I was was a toy that people played with then tossed away. That's all I ever was.

So I just myself be taken...

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