Chapter Twenty-Three: The other Alphas

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Nico's POV

Will has been acting weird for awhile now and it's making me anxious. Did I do something wrong? He doesn't look at me for any more than a few seconds and if he does look at me for more than that amount of time his eyes shift into Sol's eye color and he quickly leaves the room. It's me, isn't it?

He's probably mad that I haven't made a decision yet.

I shouldn't have told him I wasn't ready. Now he hates me.

He doesn't even want to be in the same room as me anymore.

He doesn't want to touch me in anyway.

He doesn't talk to me for that long anymore.

He hates me. He hates me. He hates-


I jumped, turning to see Will. I was sitting on the living room couch, worrying about everything so much I didn't see him walk in. I forced a smile but that didn't stop him from frowning a bit more and sitting next to me.

Oh now you want to be near me.

"You okay? You looked a bit upset," his hand found it's way on top of mine. Even though I was feeling neglected and was slightly bitter about that, I couldn't even force myself to pull away from him. The warmth that crawled up my arm was something I really missed.

"I'm okay," I couldn't for some reason get my voice any louder than a mumble, which obviously gave away the fact that I was lying.

Will frowned again but didn't say anything. I was slightly relieved. I didn't want to tell him I thought he hated me. He would probably only think I was whining and being a brat. He had more important things to do. I needed to understand that. "Well my dad and I are having a meeting with the other Alphas and their heirs, so if you need anything you can ask my mom or someone in the pack. Okay?" He gave me a small smile which I couldn't help but return before he stood up and left.

A few hours later I found myself wandering around the house, looking for Will. He's never been very hard to find but this time it was like he was hiding purposely.

Was he?

I shook the thought away and stopped at I door I haven't been through yet. And I've explored Will's big house for a while. Strange. I walked up to it, deciding it was better to use my newly found curiosity to distract me from my seemingly endless search. Will nor his family has ever said not to go through certain rooms, so what damage could going through this door do? I took the handle of the door, freezing as I realized as I got closer I could hear muffled voices that I couldn't seem to identify.

"Your.... Needs..... To... Alpha.... Soon.. Possible," was all I could make out. I hummed, wondering who was behind the door. As I did that, the voice stopped. The room became still. I listened closely, not hearing anything. Did I just imagine a voice? Shrugged, I twisted the door knob and opened the door. I froze, seeing multipe different people in the room along with Will and Apollo. Oh shoot. I forgot about the meeting Will had told me about.

The table in the middle of the room was large with multiple chairs surrounding it. One held a scary looking tough guy with a girl next to him who held the same level of intimidating power as he did. Father and daughter maybe? They looked similar. Except the man was wearing sunglasses.

Another chair was a large blonde guy with a grumpy look on his face. Next to him was a girl with black hair and sharp blue eyes that made me want to shrink. They both had this air around them that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

The third held a creepy woman with black hair and a strange sneer on her face. Next to her was a boy with black hair as well but he had an eyepatch covering one of his eyes. They both stared at me as if trying to look into my soul.

I shivered at the sight of all these people, werewolves apparently, and at the way they were looking back at me. Aggression and disgust was two of the major things I felt from their heavy gaze. They hated me and were disgusted by me. Yay. I couldn't help but notice the pitiful look on the black haired girl with blue eyes next to the blonde guy. She didn't seem to generate any of those two emotions when looking at me. I was about to run out of the room when a choice called out to me.

"Neeks! C'mere!"

I blinked to see Will smiling and holding an hand out to me. I hesitanted before taking his hand. He pulled me towards him and onto his lap. I blushed and squirmed a bit before he wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't resist leaning into his touch. The nervousness I felt swelling in my chest melted as I enjoyed his warmth. I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder. I could feel my face heat up as I remembered there were multiple people in the room I didn't know. I looked over at Apollo who gave a smug look at the other werewolves.

"Nico, that's Ares and Clarisse, the wolves of the West. That's Zues and Thalia, wolves of the North. And that's Nemesis and Ethan, wolves of the East," Will introduced me to the wolves as they stared at us in shock and confusion. I continued to blush and turn my gaze to my lap. "Everyone, this is my mate Nico."

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