Chapter Ten: Mate

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(This is the chapter you've all been waiting for! When Solangelo really comes into this sad and lonely story that is ten chapters long and the characters are just now meeting! So buckle down, because things are going downhill from here! .... I'm joking. Please don't hurt me..)

Will's POV

I had finally gotten myself out of bed. My mind was still swarming. I really wanted to know what happened to my mate. If it was enough to make Sol freak out like that.. It must have been really bad. I caught up to Cecil and Lou, walking around the camp and bickering each other. Everything seemed pretty normal until Sol began to pace and growl in my head. I closed my eyes, familiar with the feeling. He never told me why he acted like that. It happened why too often, especially since I was fourteen. 

"Hey! Someone get the Alpha!" A voice rang out. 

I looked up, seeing a pair of men walking into the camp. They were dragging a kid behind them. I looked at the kid's limp figure. Sol froze. I was far away so I couldn't really see them. I saw a black mop for hair and I could smell theme from here. They smelled of blood and tap water and... Oh. Their scent was different. It was inviting and soothing. Sol sighed, settling down inside my head. I must have zoned out because the next thing I know a hand is connecting with the back of my head, making Sol jump from his relaxed state. I blinked, spinning around and glaring at Lou who was smirking.

"Earth to Will! What's going on with you? This is like the fifth time you've zoned out in like, two days!" She teased.

I rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed with her for some reason. I turned my head, seeeeing multiple members of my pack gathering and heading towards my house. Something took hold of me and I ran to the crowd. I ignored Lou and Cecil's calls from behind me. I pushed through the crowd as it stopped and gathered. I was close to the front, but still out of view. The men were gone and the kid was left, sitting on the ground in front of my father. I raised my eyebrows, Sol suddenly jumping and barking viciously.. At my father. 

The kid looked afraid, even though I was seeing him from his.. Right side? I could see his bruises from where I stood. A wave of anger washed of me and a growl erupted from my throat. Some of the people around me turned and looked in concern. I wasn't sure what was going on. I knew almost immediately this boy was human. And I've seen my father kill humans for invading our territory multiple times, as crazy as that sounds. How come I feel so strange about this one?

My father stripped down and shifted, his large golden wolf towering over the boy. The kid stumbled back, falling into his back and gasping. I could feel his terror. It made me.. Angry again. This time it hit me hard. It took over me. My father looked like he was about to lunge. The next thing I know, I'm on top of him in my wolf form with my teeth digging into his shoulder. The pack cried out in fear and surprise. My father's eyes were filled with the same emotions. I leaped off, backing up so I was in front of the human boy. I then turned, locking eyes with him.

Obsidian eyes...

I gasped, taking a step back. He flinched, eyes shut tight and hands digging into the earth underneath him. His fear of me hurt, but I didn't expect him not to be scared. I took a breath, turning my head and picking him by his torso. He was so small. His whole torso nearly fit perfectly in my mouth, leaving his limbs falling limp at the sides. He was facing downwards, his hands gripping onto my neck fur which was probably all he could reach. I glanced at my father for the last time, his confusion making me feel guilty for a moment, before I took off. The crowd basically threw themselves out of the way. Once again, I ignored the calling of my friends.

I kept running until I couldn't hear the crowd anymore. As a werewolf, I must have gone far. I looked up, seeing I was behind my house. I trotted up to a nearby bush. I flinched as he let out a small cry before I dropped him in it. He sat up, his head and shoulders appearing from the branches. He locked eyes with me again, the fear still painful. 


His eyes widen for a moment before blinking and looking away. His dark hair fell in front of his eyes. I then turned, taking off towards the house once more. I needed clothes before I could talk to him. My first pair were most likely ruined by my sudden shift. I prayed he would still be there when I got back. 

I ran up to the door, slipping inside. Thankfully, no one was home yet. I slipped into my room and threw on the first set of clothes I saw. (You guys can pick his clothing.) Thoughts continued to swarm in my head. I had no idea what was going on. But one thing was fresh in my mind. One thing I was.. Somewhat sure of.

I think I finally found my mate...

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