Chapter Sixty-Six: Werewolf

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Will's POV

Today.. Nico seemed distracted. I didn't know why. He said he was fine every time I asked, but it was obvious he wasn't. I have no idea why he sees so quiet all of a sudden. I've finally decided I have had enough of worrying and decided to ask again. And this time, I wasn't taking no for an answer.

I walked around the pack, finding Nico after a little while. He was playing with a group of pups. It was adorable. I watched for a while before Nico finally noticed me. He stared at me for a second before gently telling the kids to go back home. My heart almost melting hearing them say, "Yes Alpha!" before running off. I smiled at Nico as he walked up to me, then remembered why I was looking for him in the first place.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked, cupping Nico's cheek. He blushed at that, reaching his own hand up to keep mine there but didn't respond for a little while.

"I'm fine Will," He said finally, his hand pulling mine away as he turned his head away. "Why do you keep asking."

"Because you're not fine.." I sighed. "It's obvious. I can tell."

Nico just shook his head again. He then tried to walk away. I grabbed him again, pulling him to me. He squirmed. "W-Will.."

"Angel, please?" Sol's voice spoke out. Nico blushed, biting his lip before sighing.

"I dunno.." he mumbled. "I just.. how long do werewolves live?"

"I.." I trailed off, not exactly sure. I knew it was for a long time, longer than most humans, but I wasn't exactly sure the range of years. "A.. long time?"

Nico gave me a look and I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "I don't know. Why?"

"Because I'm not a werewolf," he mumbled, finally resting against me. "What.. what if I die before you die? It won't kill you too, right?"

I visibly stiffened at that, Sol giving a sharp growl in my head. Nico stared at me, wanting a real answer to his question. "It won't.." I finally managed. "I'll.. I'll just become colorblind. But I won't get a second mate. It doesn't work like that. I only have you.."

Nico groaned, leaning against me again. "That makes me feel better.." he grumbled sarcastically. I frowned, pulling him away a bit so I could look at him.

"Nico, why do you care? What's the matter?"

"Like I said! I'm not a werewolf! That's the matter."

I paused for a moment, staring at him. "Why do you suddenly care? I don't.."

"Because you should!" Nico snapped. "You can't be a real Alpha if I'm not a werewolf!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I can't do anything! I can't protect the pack, I can't even leave pack grounds without the danger of being killed, heck I can't even have a baby with you! I heard male werewolves can have kids! I can't!"

I sighed, dragging my hand down my face. "Nico.. okay only some male werewolves can have babies. Those are called "carriers" and they aren't very common. Which I find strange since males can go into heat- but that doesn't matter! I don't care if you're human! I never cared! And I will never care!"

Nico stared at me for a second before throwing his arms around me and gripping my shirt. I gladly hugged him back, resting my chin on the top of his head. "Neeks, why is this suddenly such a big problem for you?"

"I just.." Nico trailed off for a moment before speaking again. "It's just.. Will.."


"Can I ask you something? And you promise not to freak out?"

I hesitated. "Um.. yes?"

Nico took a breath before stepping backwards and locking eyes with me. I almost shivered as a strong wave of deja vu hit me. I realized this was almost exactly the way Nico asked to be marked. I really hoped he wasn't going to ask what I thought he was going to ask.



Nico took another deeo breath, closing his eyes as if to try and work up the courage to speak. Then, like ripping off a bandaid, he spat out:

"Will, can you turn me into a werewolf?"

Within the Forest (Werewolf Solangelo AU)Where stories live. Discover now