Chapter Forty-Four: The Search

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Will's POV

Apparently there are effects to being away from your mate for too long. One of the effects. Sol. Sol's became really aggressive lately. More so than normal. The search parties that didn't come back with Nico... Let's just say Sol gave them a reason not to come back without him again. The worst part is, I can't control him when he gets like that. I just.. Physically can't. It's like my body won't let me.

Nico's absent has an a big effect on me. I'm a bit paranoid. Thoughts of events and scenarios that could be happening right now to him. And they terrified me. What if rouges found him? What if he froze to death? The river. There's a river nearby. What if he drowned?! Sol would frustrated whenever I thought like that, but I couldn't help it. It's not like I want to imagine Nico dying!

Sol's gotten tired of waiting. He ripped Lou and Cecil from their little heat scene and forced them to search with him. Rude in my opinion, but it's not like I could do anything. It was like watching a movie when Sol was in control. I saw everything that happened, but I couldn't intervene if I really wanted too.

We've search for hours straight without a break. And whenever one of my poor friends requested one, Sol would almost bite their heads off. And keep walking. The snow only made me more anxious. What if he did freeze to death? Now he's hidden in the snow. Sol sniffed the air after that thought passed our minds. We'd still find him.. Hopefully.

Sol? We'd be able to tell if Nico was getting hurt.. Right?


Sol please stop ignoring me..

Silence. I couldn't stand his silence. It was unusual. It was unnerving. Like he was secretly plotting how to kill me. I don't know how he would do it, but he was thinking about it.

"Can we take a break? (And get awaaay~)" A timid plea came from behind. Oh lord. I didn't want to pay attention to these parts. The parts when Sol shows he's not playing games when it comes to finding Nico. And that normally ends in bloodshed. Poor Cecil.

We traveled up to the river. And for the first time, we stopped. Well, some flopped but scrambled up after receiving a harsh growl. We sniffed along the edge of the river, sighing. The cold and moisture made finding his scent hard. But both Sol and I shivered when he did catch a whiff of it near a certain part of the river.

"Did he come near here?" Cecil asked, staring at the river.

Sol just glared at him and I made him internally whimper at the thought of everything that could have happened to Nico in the river. Lou began to examine the (terrain) area. "Maybe he.. Crossed it?"

Sol huffed, shaking his head and turning around. If he crossed it.. He'd be on East wolf territory. I was always wary of Nemesis.. What would they do if he was over there? "Okay, home?" Cecil sighed, yet Sol began to jog away to get home.

Could he be there? No. Hopefully not.. If so he better be alive.. I guess we have to continue..

The search...

(This was bad..)

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