Chapter Twenty-Two: Urge

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Will's POV

I didn't know what to tell Nico. Well, I did.. But I didn't know how. Sol continued to draw my attention towards Nico's neck and making my teeth itch with the want to mark him. Every time that would happen I'd have to close my eyes and take a breath before I continued talking. The innocence in the confused look Nico would give me after having to do something like that was almost as if he was taunting me. But no. I couldn't mark him. He wasn't ready for that. Even as I explained what marking was and how to do it, I could see a bit of uneasiness in his eyes. If I were him, I would have felt this way too. To him, it would have looked like Sol had just bitten him which would be very good. From what I've been told, being marked does hurt but since Nico's human.. I was just afraid of how his body would react. Probably not so good. I could only hope it wouldn't hurt him too much.

"So.. Sol tried to.. Mark me," Nico said, summing up everything I told him in the most simplest way to try and take all the information in. "And.. Then I would have had this.. Symbol on my neck.. Telling other wolves not to touch me.. Right?"

I nodded as he continued, allowing him to continue trying to understand everything. "But.. It would have hurt if he did it and possibly do damage because I'm human.." He bit his lip at that, pressing two fingers on the spot Sol nearly bit into. My body seemed to twitch as I prevented myself from standing up and finishing what Sol started. It took a lot of will power. (Ba dum tsk. .... I'm sorry I'll leave. Continue Will.) "He isn't ready for that," I kept repeating in my mind, making Sol whine in frustration. The urge was so strong. But I needed to control myself. I couldn't risk freaking him out and/or harming him in the process. It seemed terrifying to be marked. Especially when you know someone biting into your flesh and injecting vemon in you is going to hurt pretty bad.

It's worth it as long as he's safe, yes?

Do you rather him safe yet terrified of us or in mild danger yet trusting us? You choose.

......Fuck you.

I huffed, standing up and excusing myself from the room so I could calm both Sol and myself down. Being in the same room as this during this kind of time was.. Hard. The urge to mark and mate with him was so strong, I'm ashamed to admit it. I want to mark him and make sure everyone knows they can't have him. I want to mate with him and seal our bond as mates. But I can't. I know I can't. Not until Nico's comfortable with it.

Being a human in this situation was hard for the both of us. Not only are wolves naturally aggressive towards him but I'm not sure if his body is strong enough to handle really anything we have to do to seal our mate bond. And that was really hard. The thought of hurting him or worse while I'm marking him or mating with him was a terrifying thought that even left Sol silent.

After walking around outside for a while, trying to clear my head as best I could, I returned to my room. I wasn't expecting Nico to run up and hug me, but he did. I was startled for a moment and asked what happened while I was gone but he didn't answer. He just buried his face in my shirt and sighed, sounding content. He didn't seem upset and he wasn't crying so I just shrugged, hugging him back. That was a mistake on my part. That only that but I buried my face in his hair. His scent started driving me nuts. The smell of the earth along with vanilla made my canines grow without me paying attention and my arms tighten around him protectively. Sol began almost purring in my head, enjoying the sweet scent himself.

He smells so good..

He does.

I snapped out of my daze just as I realized what I was doing. I had lifted Nico off of the ground and my face was now buried in his shoulder. My face was turned ever so slightly that I could feel the skin on Nico's neck against my cheek. That wasn't good. I growled at myself, quickly placing Nico back on his feet and took a step back. I closed my eyes, covering my mouth with both hands as I panicked. Please tell me I didn't do anything. Please please please.


Nico's voice brought me into reality. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see his confused expression staring back at me. He wasn't in any pain. His neck wasn't bleeding. I didn't taste any blood to begin with. Oh thank god. I shook my head, muttering apologizes before turning and leaving the room again. I needed to control myself better. And I didn't want it to come to the point where I can't smell him without going crazy because that would mean I couldn't be at all close to Nico and that would probably drive me more nuts than the urge to mark him. I hurried outside, behind the house and sighed, pressing my back against the house wall and sliding down into a sitting position in the grass. Inhaling deeply, I winced at the smell of the woods. It reminded me of Nico's scent. Just great.

That was.. Close.

I growled softly, making it clear I was blaming him for getting it that far. I pulled my knees to my chest, resting my head in them and trying to calm myself. I didn't want Nico to think I didn't want to be near him. And I didn't want to tell him the urge was what was making me so distant. That would probably only make him feel pressured into making his decision which was the last thing I wanted. This whole thing was so much more stressful than I expected when thinking of having a mate.

I can never let the urge get the best of me like that again...

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