Chapter Fifty-Nine: Don't Leave

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Nico's POV

I froze at that. Will.. Wanted to come in? It's been forever since I've seen his face. I missed him so much. So so much. I wanted to see him. I wanted to just rip this door open, not even giving a proper answer. And I almost did. "Y-Yes," I said quickly, standing up. Then my towel fell off just before I grabbed the doorknob. And I remembered the towel was all I was wearing. "Wait! Not yet!"

I raced around the room, looking for something to put on. I founda pair of my own boxers, thank god, and grabbed a shirt and threw it on. Then I opened the door.

I locked eyes with Will for the first time in.. Days. We stared at each other, my hand still gripping the doorknob. He was standing there, his clothes ruffled like he had pulled them on in a hurry. His eyes broke from mine and onto my chest. And he smirked. "Nice shirt."

I looked down at my shirt. Oh.. It wasn't mine. It was a burgundy shirt that went down to my knees. I blushed, biting my lip. "Um.. Thanks."

He laughed. And I felt my.. Everything warm up. I missed him. When he finally stopped he went back to staring at me for a moment before mumbling, "God I missed you.." Then before I knew what was happening, I was being held. Literally. He had picked me up and was now hugging me with all he had, his face buried in the crook on my neck near the matemark. I immediately wrapped my arms and legs around him, doing the same.

"I love you," I mumbled. I missed this. I missed Will's warmth. His summer smell that I still can't identify into something less.. Vague. I missed how clingy he seemed everytime we hugged. This was definitely different from the other times. Now he was holding me like we would never see each other again. I just.. Missed him. So so much. And I couldn't help but smile as I heard what sounded like a mixture of Sol and Will's voice muttering "Mine" over and over again.

I made up my mind. Screw the heat. I didn't want Will gone. I didn't care if Will thought separation was protecting me. It felt like it was killing me, even if I was probably just being dramatic. I needed Will. Not Lou. Not any other person he sends to make sure I'm okay. Will's my mate and I want him.

"You don't care that I smell like Luke?" I whispered, knowing he could still hear me.

"Fuck him and his scent," Will/Sol hissed back.

Of course, good things don't last forever. I groaned as the all too familiar burning washed through me. For some reason, the weird feeling I've been getting returned and now the back of my underwear felt.. Sticky. I didn't even want to question it.

"Of fucking course!" I cried, clinging to Will. "Of fucking course it would start now!"

Will didn't say anything. I just felt him walking. Then of course, I was being laid down in a bed. "No!" I gripped onto his shirt. His face. He looked like he was in pain. I was almost able to ignore the burning, but it was too much. It always was too much.

"Don't leave me.."

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