Chapter Thirty-Seven: Whatever you Say

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Nico's POV

There was only one downside to the seasons changing. The cold. It got so cold during the autumn and winter months and I was sick of it. Especially sleeping in an empty room. The bed was huge, yes. I barely take up a quarter of it. I just plop myself in the middle and make a blanket cocoon. But I haven't slept by myself in years. And it was tortuous. Even inside my little blanket cocoon, it's freezing. And you never realize how quiet a room is when you're by yourself.

Tonight was ridiculously cold. It wasn't even close to winter yet and it was already freezing. Will and I said our goodnights before we both slipped into our separate rooms. Why did I agree to this? Why couldn't I just say "No, I don't think freezing to death alone in a giant bed would be that great". Why? Instead I just said "Yeah, okay..". Not the brightest answer. I climbed into bed, wrapping myself in my blanket cocoon. Still cold. I missed Sol's fur against my feet. This sucked.

Since the world just loves me, when I finally did manage to fall asleep I had a nightmare. Just great.


My mind slipped into the great state of being half awake and half asleep. I laid with my eyes close, not wanting to move. It was warm and quiet other then the fact that someone was breathing next to me. Did I sneek into Will's bed in the middle of the night and just not remember? Maybe.

I rolled over, wrapping my arms around the warm body next to me. But stopped. This wasn't Will. I didn't get the warm chills I always got whenever we touched. I sat up immediately, scooting away in a silent fit of panic. The dark figure sat up, reaching and switching on the lamp on the bedside table. Oh god..

"N-Nathan?!" I choked, the urge to jump out of the bed and the urge to curl up and hide fighting against each other which just left me sitting there with my jaw dropped like an idiot. "Wh.. Wh.. What.. Why are you here?!"

Nathan frowned, his eyes struggling to stay open. I smelled alcohol but then again, his whole house smelled like alcohol. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or not. It really didn't matter to begin with. "The fuck are you even talking about?" He grumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Go to sleep, I have work in the morning." I shook my head hard, whimpering. Tears flooded my vision, making everything blurry and squished together.

"Why are you here?! When did you get here?!" I choked out my words, my chest and other muscles tightening with panic. I couldn't move. Why couldn't I move?! Tears streamed down my face and somewhat cleared my vision. "How-" Before I could finish my sentance, Nathan raised his hand to hit me. I had gotten used to not being hit for so long. Seeing Nathan about to made me freeze in shock. Thankfully, the scene faded into black before his hand actually hit my face.

~Dream Ends~

My body jerked and I sat up, gasping. Tears dripped off my chin and onto the back of my hand, making me jump a little at the wetness. I reached up, brushing the tears away. Even in my dreams Nathan haunts me. This is ridiculous. It's been months. I know he won't find me here. Why can't he just leave me alone?!

I glanced around the empty room. I only just realized the cold that seeped through my clothes and spread across my skin. I shivered, gritting my teeth as I stared into the darkness. No way I'm staying here. It's too dark. Too quiet. Too.. Empty. I slipped out of bed, flinching at the coolness that reached my feet once they touched the wooden floor. I yawned, rubbing my eyes with my wrist as I walked out of the room.

I had gotten used to the house after so long. The far left end of the hallway held the staircase and went on. Then the guest room, bathroom, the office, another bathroom, then Will's room which I was in. Then an empty stretch of wall that led to the end of the hallway which held Will's new bedroom. I walked to the bedroom, groaning softly at how cold the hallway was. Everything was just so.. Cold.

I finally reached the bedroom, cracking the door open. It was pitch black. I walked in, shutting the door. It wasn't any warmer in here. I knew this room too. The bed was dead in the middle with one bedside table at each side. On the right wall there was a large closet and on the left there was a bathroom. I walked to the bed, slipping under the sheets and crawling up. Will was laying on his side, facing away from me. I settled down next to him, curling up behind Will. He was so warm. I wrapped my arm around him, nuzzling my face into the spot between his shoulder blades. This is way better than sleeping in an empty room, getting frostbite.

I felt my face heat up as Will stirred, his fingers intertwining with mine. His palm pressed against the back of my hand as he pulled it up and kissed my palm. "Missed me?" His low voice filled the silence that surrounded us. I blushed again. "Just.. Go to sleep." I mumbled, grateful that it was so dark. Will chuckled softly.

"Whatever you say, Nico..."

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