I have found my people

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I just watched this video and... I relate so much.. I mean I can't believe how accurate this is. Honestly, I think this video would be exactly the same if you put "Nine Weird Things People in the Generation Do"! I'm serious.

I think number nine is the most strangely accurate. Me and my friend the other day. She briefly read the first few chapters in this book and has read other werewolf fanfics, so I talk to her about it sometimes. Here's one of our recent conversation.

Me: ... Hey I think I'm a little evil with my readers.

Friend: Why?

Me: Well I'm planning on making Nico run away from the pack-

Friend: I already don't like this..

Me: Ha ha. Anyways, that and I'm planning on [insert evil plans for Nico here].

Friend: *horrified look* What?!

Me: *slowly explains plans further*

Friend: *le terrified gasp* Noooo!!!

Me: *evil laughter*

So yeah. I must truly be a "writer" and I'm not even an adult xD. I'm not even writing my own kind of work! I'm writing fanfiction! I must truly be insane..

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