Chapter Sixteen: Truth

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Will's POV

I still can't believe Nico let me hold him like that. Maybe it's just because of shock, but I'm not complaining. It was.. Nice. That word is kind of an understatement but I'm not sure how else to describe it. I just stood there with his back pressed against my torso and his head against my chest and my chin on his head. His scent. It was so overwhelming at that moment it made me dizzy. I didn't mind though. Not at all. After a minute or so standing there he stepped away in a sign he didn't want to be held anymore. I had an urge to pull him back towards me and keep him there yet I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate that. The urge was strong though. So strong. Sol barked at me to pull him back into my arms. Thinking over the situation that had just happened with my dad, I'm sure being grabbed and held down is the last thing he wants to happen to him at that moment. He didn't seem very effected by what had happened but when he turned to face me and I locked eyes with him, I immediately felt a wave of terror and relief at the same time. Those were the emotions I saw in his eyes. I reached out and took his forearm pulling him  slightly closer to him to see if that would satisfy Sol. It didn't, I knew that for sure, yet he stopped complaining. 

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" I asked pulling him slightly closer to try and inspect his face, arms and neck. I didn't see anything.. New. The current bruises still bothered me. The sight of them have me a sour taste in my mouth. The urge to find whoever "Nathaniel" was and make him suffer whatever he put Nico through and worse was strong yet once again I pushed it away. Nico already said he didn't want me doing anything to him. Yet.. Would he know if I did it later today or tonight? I'm sure he wouldn't. Hm..

"-Surprised me. I thought he was you," Nico's voice snapped me out of my gaze to see him standing and looking uncomfortable. I bit my lip, realizing I hadn't heard what he'd said. From his tone I'm sure he said he was fine. I forced a chuckle at him thinking my father was me. I've heard we looked similar but I'm sure it wasn't that much. Nico's back must have been turned when my dad came in. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest at his still frazzled look. 

"I'm sorry Nico. I shouldn't have left you here," I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. Nico shook his head, looking up and.. Smiling at me. It was a small smile, barely noticeable, but it was there and it took me off guard. 

"It's fine. Really. I guess I was making too much noise," he said softly, looking away. Now he was just making excuses so he could take the blame.

"Nico, no. It isn't your fault. I was suppose to keep you hidden from them and I became careless. You could have died. My fault. Ok?" I stated firmly, giving him a smile as he glanced up with a surprised look. Almost as if he wasn't used to hearing those words.

Nico opened his mouth to speak again when I heard a call from downstairs. My mother. She wanted me and Nico to come down and talk to them. I looked at Nico who gave me an uncertain look. I took his hand, which he again seemed surprised, and began to go downstairs. Nico hesitated for a moment before letting me lead him. I walked into the living room to see my father trying to completely cover the wound on his shoulder. This was the second time I've done this to him. I bit my lip, turning my gaze downwards as I gently pulled Nico in behind me. I heard what sounded like a growl from where my father sat so I instinctively pushed Nico further behind me and cast my gaze over to him threateningly before letting go of Nico's hand. I was kind of surprised when I felt his hand linger in mind for a moment before letting go as well.

"So Will... We wanted to talk to you and.. Your mate," my mother spoke first, calmly.

"I don't believe this shit! How the hell is this little piece of-" my father began ranting when I lunged at him.

My mother jumped in the middle of me and my father as I snapped and snarled at him. He jumped, trying to lean as far away from me as possible. Mom pushed me backwards, her eyes turning darker as her wolf began to show as well. She growled at me to calm down and I turned away, growling softly in frustration. I glanced backwards, forcing my anger down as I saw how panicked Nico looked. I immediately felt bad and took a breath, closing my eyes and trying to calm down. I opened my eyes and crossed my arms, glaring at Dad. Both of my parents looked greatly surprised.

"Can we get on with this already?" I huffed, glancing back at Nico who was pressing himself against the wall a few feet away from me. Good. He's near me. Not them. Good.

"Well I'd like to say-" Dad was cut off by Mom's glare.

"Haven't you said enough?!" She snapped. Dad sighed, shaking his head and continuing to put pressure on the wound that I just know noticed was bandaged. Apparently not well if he was still holding it.

"Listen. I'm not going to say anything insulting. I just want to ask Will," he turned and looked at me, a flash of hurt in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? Your mother already said she knew it was a boy. Why am I the only person who didn't know?"

I bit my lip, looking down again. I felt so bad suddenly. I should have told Dad that Nico was.. Well a boy. Even if I didn't have the strength to tell either of them he was human. He deserved to know just like Mom did. I sighed, looking back up. "You're right Dad. I'm sorry. I should have told you. But now, I'll tell you everything."

Dad raised an eyebrow. "The truth?"

I took a deep breath, glancing at Nico. The hard part was that I needed to do all of the talking. Nico knew nothing. So everything was on my shoulders. I straightened by posture, looking my father in the eye.

"Yes Dad. The truth."

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