Chapter Eleven: Wolf Boy

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(I decided to post this before people kill me XD)

Nico's POV

I was terrified. And confused. First I'm about to be killed by this man who could turn into a wolf, then another wolf attacks that man wolf and takes me, running away and dropping me into a bush. I heard a sudden voice tell me to stay there, even though the wolf didn't seem to speak (they can't) and there were no people around. I must truly be going crazy. I curled up in the bush anyway, ducking down into the bush. I waited for a bit until I heard voices. I looked up, peering through the twigs and leaves to see who they belonged to. Two people came from nowhere, a boy and a girl. They were talking among each other, walking aimlessly. 

"Where'd he go?" The boy asked out loud, looking around.

The girl shrugged. "I'm not sure. I'm worried about him. I can't believe he just attacked his father for a human."

I winced, knowing that human was me. I was too confused to feel offended by her comment. I hid in the bush until the boy perked up, glancing in my direction. My heart stopped. I didn't make any noise. Was he half wolf like the other two men I've seen? Did that mean he could smell me? My fears were proven correct when he glared in my direction and approached. I backed up slowly, my hand coming out of thee bush. Once he was a few feet away, I jumped up and turned to run. Before I could I was grabbed by the arms and held, hard. I yelped, throwing myself backwards to try and get away. Like the men who took me here, the person was too strong. 

"I got him!" A female voice called, the hands that were holding me turning me and holding me to their body.

The boy ran up, his face lighting up when he saw me. I continued to struggle but I was beginning to grow tired. My body still ached from last night and it still hurt to move in certain directions. I was about to give in when I was ripped from that person's grip and pulled into a new one. This one was different. It was warm and comforting. Unlike most (read as: all) of the touching I'm used to.  I had to resist hugging the source of the warmth. 

"Will! There you are! What's going on with you?" The female voice asked.

Whoever "Will" is didn't answer. I'm guessing it was the person holding me. My face was almost crushed into "Will's" chest. Every breath I took, I could.. Smell him. As weird as that sounded. It was nice. I'm not sure how to explain his scent in any way that makes sense, so I guess he smells like summer. I don't know what summer smells like, but I'm just putting a name on it that makes the most sense to me. He smells like summer. I need to find out what soup he uses. 

I was in such a daze, trying to figure out what summer actually smelled like, that I didn't notice I was being carried until I snapped out of it. I gasped, grabbing onto "Will's" shirt until he came to a stop. He then started walking. I could only see behind him, so the scenery didn't change very fast for me. But when it did, I realized I was in a house. 

"Great," I thought bitterly. "I'm truly being kidnapped now."

I was too afraid to say anything. We went upstairs and into a room. My heart sped up immediately. That was the first time I actually tried to fight him. But before I could really do anything, I was removed from over his shoulder and plopped on the edge of a bed. I finally got a good look at him. He had fair skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. He was staring at me at the moment, but I couldn't help but.. Like it. I looked away from him to try and make it obvious I felt the opposite of how I was really feeling. It was silent until he spoke up.

"Uh, hey."

... That's it? 'Uh, Hey'? That's it?! Wow. Smooth "Will" Smooth. I bit my lip, pulling my legs up onto the bed and crossing them into an Indian Style. I looked up, immediately finding out he was watching me. Heat creeped up my neck and face as I looked away and folded my hands loosely on my lap. I looked up and he was still watching me. Why? 

"S-So, how are you?" "Will" asked again. 

I didn't know what to say. On one hand, I could be sarcastic. I always liked being sarcastic and I haven't been able to do so out loud for years. Or I could just keep my big fat mouth shut so I don't anger this guy like I've managed to anger Nathaniel throughout our years together. I decided to go with the second option, after seeing what he's done to his own father. Another awkward silence went through the room until he spoke again.

"Are you afraid of me?"

I looked up, having to peer through the dark hair that fell in my face. He was staring at me again, looking anxious and shifting his weight from his left side to his right. I didn't know how to answer that. Should I have been? Honestly, I kind of wasn't. Not really. But how should I tell him that? Should I? What if he takes advantage of that? I never told Nathaniel I was afraid of him, he never asked, and look how our relationship turned out. 

"No.." I blurted out softly, surprised by that. 

His face lit up and he smiled at me. Honestly, his smile was beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful. I blinked hard, looking away from him. I couldn't think like that. I technically was still in a relationship with Nathaniel. Even if he was a jerk to be last night, I can't just go looking at other men so soon. It wasn't right. But.. Shouldn't that mean it shouldn't feel right either. I couldn't say it didn't. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand. It didn't grab for me. It didn't hit me. It just stayed stretched out in front of me. I blinked and looked up to it's owner, "Will".

"I'm William Lunar Solace. But I prefer Will," he introduced himself, waiting for me to take his hand.

I did, hesitantly, and I didn't expect the warm that shot up my arm and body to happen. I gasped when it happened, not wanting to let go but doing so anyway. My arm went cold almost immediately. For once I physically felt.. Empty. Is that how it felt? I didn't like it. I looked up, hearing Will hum like he was asking for an answer. I blushed, realizing I wasn't listening. He smiled at me again, making my blush worse.

"What's your name?" He said like he was repeating it.

"N-Nico. Nico di Angelo," I answered softly. 

Will nodded, continuing to smile at me. His smile made me feel weird. (Get your mind out of the gutter >.> XD) I wished he'd stop, yet keep going at the same time. My brain hurt. 

"Well, nice to meet you Nico di Angelo," he grinned, making me consider looking for sunglasses for a moment. 

I nodded, sighing and looking away from him once more. I was confused. This guy could turn into a wolf! I should be wetting my pants! ...Not that I want to. I'm just saying sitting on his bed and complaining about how nice his smile is wasn't the reaction many people would expect from someone who's merely escaped the claws of death only to be taken by "Death"'s pretty- NORMAL, AVERAGE, NOT PRETTY SON! Dam it mind! 

But as long as he's being nice to me...

I should probably get to know this wolf boy....

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