Chapter Eighteen: Welcome

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(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WOULD KILL SOLANGELO AND LEAVE ALL YOU AWESOME PEOPLE WITH AN ENDING LIKE THAT?! You all are adorable. No, solangelo is not dead. It was a way of playing around with a friend. The one who was mentioned in the last chapter. Kitty, say sorry to everyone. Through the comments of course. So, the story is still up and running and it definitely isn't ending anytime soon. So, here's the real chapter. I promise.)

Will's POV

Everything was fine. Lou Ellen and Cecil were the first to properly meet Nico. Too bad he didn't really talk that much. I didn't blame him. After what happened with my father, he must be a little traumatized. He stayed close and didn't even really talk to them. After a while I guessed they noticed he wasn't really comfortable and they said we would meet up later. I nodded, gently taking Nico's wrist and leading him elsewhere. I wasn't really sure where to take him. I smiled at my packmates as they passed and returned the smiles. A few even stopped to chat. All of them were stunned by Nico's presence. I introduced Nico to the wolves who came by and they tried their best to interact with Nico, who was dedicated to being unsocial. I just smiled and led him away.

"Come on Nico, you have to start talking to people!" I told the smaller boy next to me. Nico continued to shuffle.

"I-I'm sorry. I've just.. I haven't been around so many people in so long," Nico mumbled, twisting his hand a bit so he could hold my forearm. He was only able to do so since I wasn't holding him very tightly.

After walking for an hour or so, talking with everyone and searching for my dad. Actually, I was searching for my dad more than Nico was. Nico didn't even know I was looking. I.. I was hurt by dad's reaction. I didn't think he'd.. Be mad at me. It really really hurt when he just walked away. I tried to cover it up by taking Nico around the pack, but I was determined to try and confront dad about it. What I wasn't expecting was hearing a howl. The pack perked up and began migrating towards.. My house. Nico and I froze, watching people drop everything they were doing to report to my house. I knew why. My father called them there. Giving Nico an uncertain look, we both followed the crowd. Squeezing into the crowd, I was just able to hear my dad speaking.

"My pack. Today I have found out some.. News," his voice was raised so the whole crowd could hear. "Before I say anything, I want my son up here with me."

The people around us started pushing me forward. I stubbornly held Nico as I was pushed into the front of the crowd. I looked over to my dad. He.. He was smiling. My father took both the arms of me and Nico, pulling us into sight. No one reacted to seeing Nico at first. "This," Dad said taking Nico's shoulders. "Is Nico. And I'm very proud to say that he is the mate of my son."

The crowd exploded. Some cheers. Others of confusion and shock. Nico looked over to me, confused. Oh right. I didn't tell him. I just gave him a small apologetic smile. Then... Two people rushed forward. Lou Ellen and Cecil. Cecil took my wrist and raised it over my head with one hand and did the same to the still startled Nico with the other. Lou Ellen started a chant. "Al-phas! Al-phas! Al-phas!" Soon the whole crowd joined in.

After they chanted for a minute or so, Lou Ellen and Cecil hustled both Nico and I back into the house. I could have sworn I saw a face giving a dirty look in the crowd. We were rushed away so quick I couldn't take the time to recognize it. Lou Ellen gave me and Nico a side hug, at the same time, and Cecil high fived me. It was ridiculous since they already knew Nico was my mate. After a moment, my dad came in and Lou and Cecil left.

"Dad I-" Before I could finish, I was engulfed in a hug. I stiffened for a moment before relaxing and hugging him back. I almost cried.

"I'll be expecting grandkids. Adopted or not, I better be getting some," he winked at me after pulling away. I smiled despite the grin on my face. I looked over at Nico who was trying to hide his red face.

"Y-Yeah.. We'll see," I stuttered, still slightly shocked. My dad nodded and left the room. I looked over to Nico who was still recovering from his blush. His eyes still held confusion. Oh. I didn't explain the talk me and my parents had either. "Nico.. Sit down. Please?"

Nico nodded and plopped onto the couch. I sat next to him, sighing. "Okay. Comfy? Because we're going to be here awhile," I smirked, Nico blinking and returning a small smile. I swear I almost feel on the floor in cardiac arrest. I just pushed away that feeling and began explaining mates to him.. Which was awkward. Once we were done he was curled in a ball with his face in his knees, probably blushing madly. Makes sense.

At least I know Nico's welcome here.....

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