Chapter Thirty-Three: I love you

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(Don't get too excited now.)

Nico's POV

Being Alpha is.. Weird. Especially since everyone was trying to get used to listening to Will. Apparently the kids from the meeting Will and his dad had not too long ago also became Alpha of their packs. Even though Will says he has bragging rights because none of them have found their mates yet. Will's such a dork. I guess that's what I like about him.

Sol's really liking being Alpha. Even if Will has to reel him in every so often. Since he's huge in wolf form, seriously like the size of a full grown man, I sometimes ride on his back when he walks around camp. He lets me do it all the time! It's fun. Like I mentioned before, his fur is so soft! Sure I basically have to cling to his fur for dear life whenever he moves but I still find enjoyment in it.

Living at home with Will was interesting too. He decided to move into his parent's room and let me stay in his. I don't know why I suddenly felt really disappointed. I accepted his offer but.. I don't know. At least his bed still smells like him.

Something crazy happened today. Will was sitting on the edge of his bed. I was really bored so I just laid down next to him. Will suddenly put my head in his lap and began playing with my hair. My face heated up immediately, but I let him do it. He glanced down at me for a moment, a small blush on his face.

"I.. Sorry. Is this.. Are you okay with this?" He asked, pulling his hand away. I quickly took his wrist, placing his hand back. "It's okay," I mumbled, letting go of his wrist as he began to play with my hair again. We both sat in comfortable silence until Will broke it by talking softly. Almost.. Hesitant.


I looked up, locking eyes with him. "Yeah?" He stared at me for a moment, his blush growing a bit until he finally spoke again. "I love you.."

I froze, staring at him. I searched his features for any sign that he was joking. Nothing. He wasn't. He was actually saying it. I gasped as a sudden image came to mind.


It was a few weeks after Nathaniel and I moved in together. It was before he started drinking, before he developed his anger issues. He was so nice all the time. It was so fun living with him. I had to be at least.. Fourteen? Fifteen years old?

"Hey Nico!" Nathan called me from the kitchen. I was watching TV in the living room. I stood up, walking into the kitchen. He wasn't doing anything. Just standing there.

"Yeah Nathan?"

Nathan hesitated for a moment before smiling a little. "I love you. I love you a lot.."

I froze, shocked. Nathan loved me. I.. Did I love him back? He's been such a great friend to me but-

"You're not gonna say it back?"

I blinked, looking up and seeing Nathan. He looked kinda.. Angry. I swallowed hard, biting my lip and playing with my hands. "I.. U-Uh.."

That's when things went to hell. Nathan took a step forward, his hands clenched into fists. I stared at him, taking a hesitant step back. I've never seen him like this before.

"Don't you dare," he growled. "Don't you dare reject me. You ungrateful piece of shit!"


With that, I found myself laying on the floor. Tears streamed down my cheeks as one of them ached. He.. He hit me. He hit me.

"Say it!" He yelled, raising his hand to hit me again. "Say you love me back!"

I flinched, holding my arms up to protect myself. "I love you!" I choked out, not wanting to be hit again. "I love you too!"

Then it ended. Nathan suddenly calmed down, pulling me up and kissing my newly bruised cheek. I winced but fought all my instincts not to squirm. "Good."

I could learn to love him back.. Right?

~Memory Ends~

I found myself pulled back to reality by.. Warmth. A lot of warmth. I instinctively curled up closer to the source but opened my apparently screwed shut eyes at the sounds of apologies. Panicked apologies. Then I realized what was going on. That wasn't real. I was here with Will, not back with Nathaniel. I'm safe.

"I'm so sorry! Ugh, I'm an idiot! I didn't mean to freak you out! I should have waited longer, I'm so sorry!" Will's panicked voice rang out as he hugged me tight. I reached up, wiping tears that were apparently on my cheeks. I was crying? Great.

"N-No," I croaked out, yet made no attempt to push away. It was Will who pushed me away a bit so we could lock eyes again. "I.. It's just.. 'I love you' was what Nathan said when he started..." I suddenly lost my voice, unable to even say the words I was thankful Will mentally filled in for me. 'When Nathan first started beating me..'

"Nico.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" "I-It's okay," I cut him off, trying to force a smile. I couldn't tell if it was working or not. "I know we won't end up like how Nathan and I were." He nodded before frowning, eyes furrowing in confusion. I genuinely smiled when a look of realization settled on his face. "Are you saying-"

"Will, I love you.."

(Okay. You can get a little excited. You're welcome.)

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