Chapter Eight: Lash Out

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(I'm sorry this came out so late. Hope you enjoy!)

Will's POV

I'm not sure how it started. It just.. Happened. And it was one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed. Everything was so calm. I had finally cleared by mind and met up with Lou and Cecil again. It was after dinner and we all were just waiting for the sun to go down. Since it was summer, at night the fireflies would come out. And watching the fireflies in the deep of night hearing nothing but the singing crickets was one of the most amazing things that you get to do out in the woods. It was just beginning to get dark when it happened. 

I just.. Lost it. A wave of angry washed over me and I completely lost it. I don't remember what happened very much but according to Lou and Cecil after the fact, Sol took over me and was trying to get out of the territory. They said he attacked Cecil when he was trying to calm him down. They said he refused to speak to them, just kept growling and attacking whoever came near him. That's when my father came out. Apparently we fought for a bit and he, thankfully, managed to knock Sol out and me with him. I woke up a few hours later with everyone standing over me. It was so strange..


I woke up to a headache. I groaned, holding my head in my hands. Then I heard voices. A feminine voice saying, "Oh! Guys, he's awake!" Then a masculine voice going, "That's great!"  I sat up, rubbing my temples and blinking hard. My father, Lou, Cecil, and the medic were all around my bed. I was so confused. 

"Guys? What.. What happened?" I asked, trying to push away the heavy pain in my head.

My father bit his lip, stepping forward. I looked at him for an explanation. 

"You.. Honestly, I'm not sure what happened. You just lost it all of a sudden. You scared the hell out of me though," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, it wasn't you. Not really. It was Sol. He freaked out and tried to leave the territory. He didn't say why," Lou added, shifting like this situation was uncomfortable. 

I blinked, looking at everyone else in the room. None of them looked like this was a joke of any kind. I shook my head, rubbing my head once more. 

"Ok.. Can you guys explain what happened?" I huffed.

~Flashback Ends~

Then they told me. The medic told me to rest for awhile and everyone left. This left me alone with my thoughts. And left me to scold my wolf.


Ok, listen. We know you're mad-

Mad? MAD?! Oh I'm not mad! I'm furious! What happened?! Tell me now!

Ok! We're not exactly sure.. But something was happening to our mate. He was in trouble or something. We sensed it and we reacted. We're sorry.

Ugh. Well next time, can you at least tell me before you go all bonkers on our packmates to the point where dad has to knock us out himself? Please?

We'll try. No promises.

I cut off connection after that. This got me thinking. 

What happened to my mate?

What would be so serious that it would make Sol freak out like that. My limbs tingled. I couldn't just sit here. I needed to run. I needed to find him. My mate. I want to know what's going on. 

And I don't want to have to lash out in order to figure it out...

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