Chapter Seven: Alone

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Trigger warning: Abuse and swearing. Lots and lots of it. If you don't care, you may continue.

Nico's POV

Nathan shoved me into the passenger side of his car. He then got in on the driver's side. Then he began to drive. This made me worry about what was going to happen when he got home. Nathan was smart. He wouldn't do anything in public. And he wasn't saying anything either. Making the suspension of how much trouble I'm in worse. I curled up as best I could in my seat, gazing out the window. It was quiet. Too quiet. I hated it. It made me more nervous then I already was. What was he going to do to me at home? I don't think it was that bad, what happened tonight. I wasn't sure why he's so angry. Maybe I was right before. Did he think I was cheating on him or something? How could I even do that? It would be impossible. 

I continued to stare out the window, my mind imagining everything bad that could happen once we get home. Is this how other kids my age feel sometimes? When they get in trouble at school. From what I've seen on TV, the parents and kids don't speak while they're in the car. Then all hell breaks loose once they get home. I shiver goes up my spine. 

Please let that be an exaggeration....

Please let that be an exaggeration....

Please. Please. Please.

The car screeched to the stop. I opened my eyes, which I didn't know were closed, and my heart almost stopped when I saw the house. By the time I'd turn to Nathan, he was already out of the car and making his way towards me. I swallowed hard, staying perfectly still until he reached in and pulled me out of the car. He held my wrist so hard, I thought it would break if he held it any tighter. He dragged me into the house and locked the door behind him. I backed myself into the closest wall. 

Nathan didn't say anything for a few minutes. He was still facing the door. I didn't have the courage to say anything either. I couldn't even got myself to move anymore. Then, he let out a small and irritated breath. And he mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"W-What?" I whispered, suddenly not able to control how much my voice was shaking. 

He twirled around, eyes blazing. I let out a squeaking noice that I am not proud of when he locked eyes with me. 

"I SAID- WHO THE HELL WAS THAT BACK AT OLIVE GARDEN!" He screamed, slamming his fist into the wall just next to my head.

I yelped, jumping out of my skin. I cowered away from him, trying to get as far away as possible. He was really mad. Oh god. This is bad. 

"J-Just an o-old f-friend Nate. N-No one important. I-I haven't seen him in y-years," I stumbling over my words, shaking.

He glowered down at me, then lunged. I let out something that sounded like a cut off scream. He'd wrapped one of his hands around my neck and the other was gripping my shirt. Tears ran down my face as his eyes stared into my soul. His emerald green eyes were dark and angry. They looked nothing like how they used to be when we first met. Sobs of fear escaped me as I struggled to breath. He was choking me. 

"You lying piece of shit! You really think I'll believe that bull!" He growled.

"It.. It's.. True! I-I'm not l-lying!" I coughed out, gripping his wrists as a reaction to the force he was applying on my neck. 

He glared at me again. I couldn't breath. I couldn't think. I could barely move. I was trapped. I was weak. I was.. I'm going to die. I knew this was going to happen at some point. I just.. I never wanted to believe it. I thought Nathan loved me. You wouldn't hurt those you love. You definitely wouldn't kill them. My fingernails dug into his skin. My lungs screamed for more air then they were getting. Sobs erupted from my throat, the only thing that could escape through my throat at that point. 

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