Chapter Thirty: Secret

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(Alright! Here's your update!)

Will's POV

Sol has been really strange lately. He takes control for no reason and when I finally take control back, Nico's curled up next to me. When I ask him what happened, he would just giggle. I don't understand. It happens way too often but at least Sol isn't hurting anyone.

I was out with my friends today. Since Nico's now marked, I trust the pack to let him be able to walk around freely without me having to shoot looks at whoever comes too close. Sol isn't very happy with this decision. He doesn't trust the pack with Nico. In all honesty, neither do I. But how else is Nico going to be known as the Alpha if I can't trust the pack to respect him?

The whole time Sol was bugging me about Nico. I know he's possessive but he promised to work on that. So far, he isn't doing the best on making good of that promise.

But what if they're looking at him weird!

Wolves are gonna be wolves. As long as they keep their distance-

Distance isn't good enough! They shouldn't be looking at him at all!

Sol, calm down. He's fine.

We aren't positive. Can't we just see him? Real quick?


Too late.

Sol's POV (Surprisingly, no TW.)


We just couldn't bring ourselves to trust the pack. What if they are trying to touch him and Angel just doesn't want to tell us? We say a quick goodbye to our friends before turning to find him.

Sol.. You're like a helicopter parent.

That's ridiculous.


We're not his parent so how could we be like that?


We finally found Angel after not too long of looking. He was with the elders, listening to one of them rant about how the landscape was much more forest than human pack back when they were a pup. The elders are so amusing. We walked up, taking Nico's hand and pulling him out.

"Woah! Will! It was getting to the best part!" Angel whined yet didn't fight my grip.

"What part were they on exactly? Elders just rant. Have the time you can't even understand what they're saying or remember what started the rant," We chuckled, continuing to pull the boy along. Angel quickened his pace, looking up at us. "Sol," he stated, poking us. We chuckled, rolling our eyes. "Yes Angel," we sighed, Angel grinning like he was proud of himself for getting that right. He's so adorable.

We pulled him into the house, walking to the living room and plopping down on the couch. Angel sat down next to us, smiling and giggling. His laugh. We love it so much.

"So it's one of those days?" Angel giggled, making us smile too.

"We didn't know where you were," we wrapped our arms around him and pulling him close. "Because of that, you're not leaving this spot for the rest of today."

Angel grinned, swinging his arms around our neck. "Fine with me."

~Magically time skip~

Will's POV

I opened my eyes, finally having been able to take control from Sol after who knowns how long. I.. Was in wolf form. Again. And something.. Warm was on top of me. I cranned my neck, rolling on my side. I was on the floor. I heard a small squeak and felt something squirm and move on top of me. I turned my head to see Nico plop his little self on my side. He was covered in my fur yet smiling. What happened here?

Nico wrapped his arms around my neck, burying his face in my fur. What? Not that I was complaining, at all, but what?

Don't ask questions.

Sol! What's going on!

Nico looked up, locking eyes with me. "Will!" He grinned. God he's going to kill me. I shifted, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him onto my lap. "Nico. What happened?"

Nico just started giggling. I really don't understand. This happens all the time. The next thing he said was.. Unexpected to say the least. "Sol gets really cuddly some times."

"Angel! We said don't tell!" Sol voice whined from my mouth. I blinked in surprise as Nico's giggling grew louder and he hid his face in my chest. "Sorry Sol!" Nico managed out, looking up and locking eyes with me again.

"It was our secret..."

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