Prologue: I Saw Her

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It was like magic. The whole world seemed to freeze and fade away. It was only us. There was no sound, except the pounding of my heart in my ears.

And suddenly, I couldn't breathe for a moment. It was like I had to dedicate everything to this one moment.

I gazed, my whole body filling with warmth.

Her twirling, her giggling, her smile, her voice... Her light. It made the whole world seem dull and dim.

And then, she realized I was looking at her. She turned to me, curious.

I was embarrassed I had been caught, but I couldn't help myself. She was impossible to ignore. It was like not acknowledging the sun in the desert.

As soon as she smiled at me and waved, I knew she was special. She felt like joy and happiness itself, like all that was pure in the world.

It was short lived as she disappeared from view. I was suddenly able to breathe again. I gulped in the air, feeling the pressure as the rest of the world continued to move again. The light was gone, and nothing felt the same anymore.

I was confused and lost. It was too much. Had I imagined it? No one else seemed to make any effort to stop what they were doing. And she seemed to disappear without a trace. I was scared that that moment was all in my head. I was terrified that I had imagined hope in this hopeless world. We lived in fear every day. I wanted it to change.


I turned and saw my mother hurrying towards me.

"Trunks! Why didn't you answer when I called out for you? Oh, I was so worried!" She embraced me, placing the groceries beside us. Then she took my hand and picked them back up.

"Come on now," she said, "Let's get going."

And that was where it all began. That was the day I saw Her.


The day I saw Her was a year ago. I thought about Her every day. Just for a moment, I remembered every detail. It was mind boggling, really, how a moment could last forever.

In attempts to see Her again, I volunteered to go to the grocery store to see if maybe she would appear. But she didn't. There was no feeling of Her at all.

I eventually gave up on my search, cherishing that one moment when I had a chance. It was what kept me sane in this cruel world.

The Androids made it impossible for us to be happy, to feel hope. They gifted the whole world with fear and death. And what made it worse was that this was all I knew. I grew up in this broken world, with only a single parent.

My father, Goku, Tien, Krillin, Piccolo, Yamcha, Chiatzu... They all died nine years ago, when I was still a baby. Goku died of a heart virus. Meanwhile, six months later, the others shared a brutal fate of death by the hands of Androids Seventeen and Eighteen.

Only my mother, Gohan, and I survived from our friends. Of course, Gohan's mother, Chi-Chi, and grandfather were still alive, but we hardly saw them. 

It was rare when we saw Gohan, too. He was a legend. He often took the Androids head on all by himself! It made me realize how weak I was. I always looked up to him. He was everything I wanted to be. Gohan seemed so sure of things, so motivated, unfazed, so... powerful.

I did my best to be like him. I trained all by myself. I taught myself most things, and when Gohan would visit, I would ask for pointers. Sometimes, he'd even give me short sessions of training.

I was glad he did. I took it as trust in me. I took it as trust that someday, I would fight by Gohan's side. Hopefully someday soon, when I would be just a little bit older.

I trained every day, to reach my goal, and maybe one day, with Gohan's help, we could restore peace on Earth.


I pushed myself to my very limits in hopes to impress Gohan with my progress. Gohan had reached the awesome level of a Super Saiyan. I dwarfed compared to that. I needed--yearned--to become a Super Saiyan. Then, instead of doing nothing productive besides the house chores, I could help where it really mattered.

Then... I clenched my fists. I could get Justice for all those who died by the Androids' hands!

I flinched and looked down at my hands. They were shaking, furious along with me. Through the hole in my skin I pierced with my nails, blood spilled out. It dripped slowly onto the grass.

I watched for a while before washing it off in the river nearby. The river was calm, unlike my aching heart. I left my hands dipped inside, soothed by the gentle waters.

My eyes shut as I enjoyed the moment of peace. My mind began to shut down and I felt myself loose grip of consciousness. Before I knew it, everything turned black as I fell into the river.


Everything was dark, but I heard muffled murmuring. I slowly regained feeling in my body; I twitched.

I heard a gasp. It was a girl...

Even as my eye lids weighed a ton, I forced them open. I awoke to the blue sky with puffy, white clouds. They traveled slowly against the vast sky.

"Daijōbu desu ka?"

I froze at the girl's voice. What did she say...? I sat up and turned in the direction of her voice.

Immediately, my eyes widened. She had short, crimson hair and eyes along with a dress and a... tail? Her eyes were wide with wonder. My heart skipped a beat that we had the same reaction. But it was... Her.

Her eyes narrowed and she crawled closer. I blushed as she stopped a few inches from my face. She seemed to be studying me. Did she remember...? The girl gently touched my lavender locks. She was so warm... It almost made me frown as she pulled away.

Then, she did the thing I was hoping for -- she smiled.


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[Phase Zero = Crimson hair/eyes -- Niya can use.
Phase One = Crimson hair/eyes/aura; For fighting; Almost equivalent to Super Saiyan. -- Kusuke can use.]

</3 x_Alex_chan_x

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