New girls. Wildcat X reader

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I was moving to LA with my friend Kennedy and my sister Kenzie. We made it to the new place and me and Kennedy went inside. "Fuck you guys!" I heard Kenzie call.

"Love you sis!" I said and went to check the rooms. I heard something fall and I ran downstairs and see Kenzie sitting on her blue beanbag. "Kenzie!" I screamed trying to get her off. "We have work to do!" I screamed punching her but this was like Pokemon it did 0 affect on Kenzie.

"I'm doing my room you guys can do yours" She said getting up and grabbing a few of her bags. "If you don't help me I will put makeup on you!" I screamed and Kenzie stopped dropped her stuff and grabbed mine.

20 minutes later she yelled "Done!" I ran up and see my room exactly how I wanted it. "Damn...You have skill" I said and she stood at the doorway. "I burned half your makeup" "there it is" I said. She would never do anything this nice without burning something.

7 days later

I smelled smoke once I went upstairs. I ran into Kenzies room and see she's burning some old shoes. "Don't judge me Y/N..." She said putting fire resistant gloves on and going to the bathroom with the shoes.

She put them into the water and she laughed. "Your insane" I said and went into my room to see if Anyone had uploaded and as soon as I got to my bed there was a knock on the door. I groaned and went to answer it because Kennedy was cooking and Kenzie was....You know.

I opened it to see our most favorite youtubers. "Y/N! Where's the gasoline?" I heard Kenzie say as she came downstairs. I stood frozen "Hi" the one and only terroriser said. "Y/N? You alive?"Kenzie asked walking next to me. "Oh I see" I looked at her and see she hasn't changed.

"So...Gasoline?" She asked me. "What are you going to do with gasoline?" Luke, Ohm and Bryce asked. "Burning my sisters makeup" She said. "What?!" I screamed. "Kennedy lets go!" She screamed grabbed the gasoline while Kennedy, Ohm, Luke, and Bryce followed her into the backyard.

"Been here for a few days and this has already happened" I said. "Tarp, Water, Gloves and Phone" Kenzie said. The guys followed me as I grabbed everything and went into the backyard. "Hello everyone Today were burning....Y/N's Makeup!" Kenzie said as I recorded.

She put the tarp out and the makeup onto the tarp. She grabbed the gasoline. "Blowtorch kenny!" She said as Kennedy passed her the blowtorch. "And were gonna let it...Burn!!" She Sang loudly burning the makeup.

A few flame bits Went onto her leg. "Shit...Water!" She screamed I passed her the bucket and she dumped it onto the Flames. "The fuck...?" She asked as one of my favorite makeup survived.

"Flame proof" I said walking backwards. I tripped on the blowtorch and landed on one of the guys. I look up to see who it was and it was Tyler. "H-Hi" I said blushing and getting off of him.

He chuckled "your cute when you blush" He said. My face turned even more red than before.

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