10 Reasons Why/Wildcat

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|Y/N Pov|

I was sitting next to my boyfriend and the episode of flash ended. Barry is my favorite.

"Hey Ty. You wanna do a challenge?" I asked Tyler. He nodded. "Okay so we have to give eachother 10 reasons why we hate each other and why we love eachother"

He thought. "For hate?...How can I choose 10?" He asked me. I playfully punched him as he laughed.

"Okay...I don't have anything" He said. "You already lost. Anyways...Your too loud, You rage too much, You don't like F/C, and...Minicat" I said. "Minicat????"

"Yeah because You love Craig more than me" I sais jokingly. "Oh yeah I'm cheating on you with my fuck boy friend" "I thought we were talking about Craig not Brian" I said laughing.

We both laughed. "Now...10 Reasons why I love you: 1)Your eyes are beautiful. 2)Your an amazing gamer. 3)You smile makes my day. 4)You sing like an angel. 5)I'm pretty sure when we all met you we were all in love. 6)Your a great listener. 7)I love you in general. 8)Your my best friend. 9)Your just amazing. 10)Your the whole package" Tyler said making me smile. "Well...that was great" I said getting up and leaving. "What do you love about me?" He asked me. "I don't!" I said jokingly. When I said that I was attacked.

"Okay. OKAY!" I screamed as I was put on Tyler's shoulders. He was a tall fucker. "1)Your eyes. 2-9)I love you. 10)Fuck you" I said as he dropped me. "Well I know you love me" He said connecting our lips. I smiled and kissed back. I truly love this idiot.

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