Experiment 407-FourZer0Seven

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                       Y/N pov

I walked to work and opened the door. Seeing the usual everyone talking.

I grabbed my lab coat and walked to a specific room. I had to work on Experiment 407.

I grabbed the clipboard and entered. The Fox man seemed to be sitting at the window.

"Hello Mr.407" I said. He turned and looked at me. He had Dead, Cold eyes.

"Its Scotty" He corrected. I wrote down his name. "Okay Scotty why were you brought here?" I asked him not making eye contact. "I don't know!"

I looked at him after he said that because they usually know the reason. "Wait really?" I asked him. He nodded.

Now that I think about it Jack has been acting strange...

"I will be back" I said exiting the room walking to the boss room.

"Jack?" I asked as I opened the door to I find him sitting down. "Yes Y/N?" He asked. I fully entered. "Why is Sco- Experiment 407 here?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Wrong person. But he has to stay" He said as I walked out.

I wanted to find a way to get Scotty out. I went back to Scottys room. "He-" "I'm gonna get you out" I said cutting him off.

"Why?" He asked me curiously. "Because you were taken by mistake" I said hoping that after I broke him out he would love me.

"Let's do it" He said as I took out a small knife. I made him sit down and as I took his GPS chip out of his neck.

"Lets go" I said as I opened the door. We walked out making the alarm go off. I saw security.

"Run Scotty run!" I screamed as we both started running. He turned into a Fox. I used to be an animal a Cheetah to be exact but they turned me human.

I turned into a Cheetah and Put the small Fox on my back still running. He stopped running and help on. We made it out the main doors.

The gate doors were closing I swiftly got under it before it closed. Scotty and me ran to his house. "How long where you stuck there?" I asked him. "A few weeks" He said knocking on his door.

After a few minutes the lock clicked. It opened revealing a pretty girl. "Scotty!" She said in surprise. "Hey Chrissy..." He said and hugged her.

"Y/N meet Chrissy my girlfriend" Scotty said. "Hi" I said. "Scotty why do you have Fox ears?" Chrissy asked. "Well I got stuck in a facility...Y/N got me out and now I'm here!" He said happily kissing his girlfriends cheek.

He was happy. I was fine with Chrissy. "Take care" I said to Scotty and Chrissy. "Where are you going?" He asked me. "I can't stay here long...I was the first experiment" I said turning into a Cheetah and running away.

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