Sick Day-H2OBrohmtoonz

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Requested by kaeleecarter__

|Y/N Pov|

I haven't been feeling well for a few days. Luke(Cartoonz) Ryan(Ohmwrecker) Jonathon(Delirious) and Bryce asked me if I wanted to play.

"Guys I'm sick" I said putting my face in the blanket. I heard a dramatic gasp from Delirious.

"Nuu! Let us take care of you!" Bryce said. I chuckled because everyone was being dramatic.

"Okay but...I live in North Carolina so only two of you can get to me fast" I said. I typed my address in the chat.

"Well I can get there before Luke because that street is like 5 minutes away from my house" Delirious said.

"See you guys later" I said leaving the chat. I heard the door open and I heard footsteps. I was scared for my life when the footsteps stopped outside of my room.

"Y/N let me take care of you!" The door opened to reveal Amber, Fox, Kayle, and Sasha.

"They dragged us here" Kayle said. "They made me drive" Fox said walking out with Kayle.

"Hey Jon" I heard Fox say. "Hey M" He replied walking upstairs. "What the fu-" "Who are you?" Amber asked.

"My name is Jonathon. I'm here to take care of Y/N" He said. Amber sized him up. "Okay. Lets go Sasha. Fox is our ride home" Amber said.

"And there already gone...Great" Amber said walking out. I stared at Jonathon and Damn! He was one fine man!

He had Black hair and he was a tan man. I felt my face heat up. He chuckled. "Like what you see?" He asked me.

"N-No! I'm sick remember!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Cartoonz should be here soon" He said sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"How do you know Fox?" I asked him. "She lived with me" He said and I looked at him confused.

"She's my step-sister" He said. I nodded and we waited for Cartoonz. Soon there was a knock at the door.

Delirious got up and went downstairs. "Hey Luke, follow me" Delirious said as the footsteps grew closer.

I see the bearded man and smiled. "Hello" I said covering my face with the blanket.

He chuckled. "Nice to see you" He said sitting on the bed.

"In how long will Ohm and Bryce be here?" I asked them. "A few hours. Bryce should come before Bryce" He said.

After a few hours Bryce came at Midnight. I was awake Ryan should come in a few more minutes.

"Ohm should be here soon" Luke said. "Bryce is staying with Me, Ohm is staying with Cartoonz" Jonathon said. "Can't you guys stay here? Fox can let you guys stay with her! She has like 4 brothers and they are on vacation. They left her behind" I said. I looked at them as they thought about it. I saw a Hazel eyed male come upstairs. Why do they all have to be so cute.

"Sure" They said. "I'll call her!" I said. I grabbed my phone and called Fox. "Where you asleep?" I asked her. "Hell no!" She responded making me chuckle.

"Watcha need?" She asked me. "Can you come over? I know you have to be back in Chicago but I have a favor" I said. "I'm coming" She said and hung up.

The door opened and I heard footsteps. The Ombre haired girl was confused by all the guys.

"What the fu-" "Just let it go...I did the same thing when Sasha and Amber where here" Delirious said.

"Okay...Whatcha need and why did you pick me?" She asked me sitting down. "Can these guys stay with you for a bit?" I asked her.

"Sure. Jonathon we can play games!" She said to her step-brother. "Your gonna share a room with Matthew" She told Delirious.

"What why?" He asked. "Because he has everything you need and want Delirious" She said. "Deal"

"How do yo-" "Just let it go" Bryce told Ohm cutting him off. "Okay see you guys Tommorow" I said.

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