Mario Kart-Terroriser

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I had been a subscriber to Terroriser for almost a year now. Today was a Mario kart stream and I was determined to beat his ass.

I joined a game that had been one that Brian had been in. I watched his game on my laptop.

The game started and Brian had fucked up the boost. I was in 1st until I hear..."Fuck you Y/N!" He said. I grabbed an Item getting a green shell and sniped that bitch.

"Fuck you!" He screamed as I made it to first place. I beat Brian and soon it was only me and him.

"Oh your going down Y/N!" He said. 'Bring it bitch' I said in his chat. The game had chosen aap so I donated 10 dollars to Brian. I also gave him a note with it.

"Thank you Y/T/N for the 10 Dollar donation 'Brian here good luck you'll need it. Winner wins it all' I will win it all "He said.

The game started and we played rainbow road. It was red shell after red shell and the game was very close. I ended up winning by a hair.

"you cheated!" Brian Screamed. 'Hey I only won by a hair. Your a good player. whats your favorite Mario game?' I said. "This game because I'm good at it" He said.

'Funny joke' I commeted. The steam ended soon after with me beating Brian a thousand times and him beating me...once.

I was scrolling through Instagram when I realize someone followed me on twitter. I open twitter and almost screamed in surprise because...Terroriser Followed me!

He asked me if I had Skype and I said yes telling him my user name. After that I get a Skype call. I quickly answered it.

"Hey" I said smiling at him. "Wow...Your so pretty..." He mumbled. "Why thank you" I said blushing a bit. He turned full red.

"I-I I'm sorry are really pretty" He said smiling nervously. I chuckled "its okay your very handsome" I said blushing a bright pink.

"Hey....Maybe if ye aren't can go out with me?" Brian asked me.

I smiled and chuckled. "Of course why would I say no?" I asked him.
He smiled at me. We talked the rest of the day.

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