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|Y/N pov|

Today was the day. The day I met my best YouTube friends in real life. I was living in L.A so Craig would probably be here first.

We were gonna hang out for a few weeks then they would go back home. Craig sent me his address as well. He lived 5 minutes away.

I got everything ready. I heard a knock at my door and opened it. I see Marcel and a girl who is Simone his wife. These two are so cute.

"Hey!" I said happily. Him and Simone smiled at me. I knew Marcel when we were teenagers.

"Simone your so pretty!" I said to her. She smiled. "Thank you so much" She said.  "How do you know Marcel?" She asked me.

"We met in high school and were like brother and sister" Me and Marcel said at the same time laughing at the end.

There was a knock at the door. Wait...The doors ope- Brock! "Hey Brock!" I said turning and facing him.

"Welcome Moo Snuckel!" Marcel said. We talked as everyone else came in. I was talking to Craig and Brock.

The door opened and I heard a scream. "Y/N!" This girl..."Kayle won't give me my charger!" Olivia said.

Olivia had russet hair, And Green eyes. I don't know if the russet hair is natural though. Kayle sighed. "This girl won't spent a minute without her phone...It pissed me off" Kayle said.

So Kayle is a light black girl with Chocalote Brown eyes. Olivia and Kayle always have a fight.

"Just get a new charger" I said. Olivia smiled. "Great Idea!" She said taking out get phone and gaming someone. "Mackenzie take me to the mall!" She commanded.

They left and we talked again. I ordered pizza and everyone got a slice. While I was eating some Brock sat next to me. "Hey Y/N wanna Pizza my heart?" Brock asked making me giggle.

"Your so Cheesy" I said making another pun. Everyone laughed making me smile. "That's Y/N for ya" Marcel said. "Yeah Puns!" I said chuckling.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now