Pax east-Bryce Mcquaid 1

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Yes! Today was the day! I jumped out of my bed only to fall. I heard a small giggle. "Great to see you so happy" She said with enthusiasm.

"Whoa. Who are you and what have you done to Kenzie?" I asked getting up. I asked that because Kenzie had a very serious voice that never showed emotion. "Oh you know....I'm only like this because its Pax!" She screamed.

I examined what she was wearing. I saw she was wearing her Ohmwrecker sweater, so that men at she was wearing her cartoonz shirt, she also had shorts.

It wasn't to long ago I found out she was a youtuber but not only a second favorite youtuber. "Okay so...Delirious will share a room with Evan, Luke and Kennedy, and...You and Bryce. The rest of the guys will share due to ships as in Mini and Tyler, David and Lui, Marcel and Scotty" She explained. I only thought of how I was sharing a room with Bryce Mcquaid! I have the best sister but she can be a bitch I thought.

"Get ready, grab your things because I can leave you" She said walking to her room. See what I mean? I thought. I quickly changed into my I heart Bryce Mcquaid Shirt.

I grabbed my 3 bags and went to the car. "Why do you need so much stuff?" I heard Kenzie call behind me. "Because I need this stuff...and You don't need anything other than Clothes, your laptop, Headphones with a built in mic, money, and a brush" I said putting the bags in the trunk.

"Who are you sharing a room with?" I asked her. She blushed and turned away. "Oh you know...Someone" She said getting into the car. "Bitch.." I mumbled. "Okay so lets go!" She screamed as I got into the car.


We made it to the airport and went to the plane. I heard Kenzie giggle. "Who you talking to?" I asked her. She hid her phone from me. "No one!" She said. I just shrugged.

"Hey check this out Y/N" She said. I looked at her phone.

Excited to be going to pax this week!  Can't wait to meet Y/N!

It read making me a bit more nervous. "Heh...Still the same Mr.Mcquaid..." She said. She soon gets a call.

"Hey! Please don't tell anyone I'm going I wanna surprise them with the news! Okay yeah. Of course. Bye" She said. I wanted to know who it was.

She looked at me and smiled. "Who was that?" I asked her. "Oh someone..." She said. I groaned earning a playful punch.

We started talking. We soon realize the plane landed. We get our things and get off. "He should be he-" "Mackenzy!" "There he is" She said as a Hazel eyes male ran up to her.

"Ryan this is Y/N. Y/N, ryan" She said smiling. "He known about the YouTube shit. I'm also sharing a room with him" She explained .

We finally made it to the hotel and their are most of the guys including...Bryce Mcquaid.

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